OT--thyroid again | Arthritis Information


So this weekend all food just starting seeming gross to me, almost like food aversion, low appetite, and I dropped 2 lbs in like 3 days, 3 days where I did not even do the treadmill.  Then last night it took me 1.5 hours to fall asleep, even though I should have been EXHAUSTED.  Not pain, not panic/anxiety.  Just couldn't fall asleep.  Then today, noticed I have the "golf ball in my throat" feeling again. 

So it finally dawned on me that my thyroid is obviously super out of whack.  I am not on thyroid meds right now.  Too long to explain the story, just complaining/typing because it's 11:30 and I can't even think about sleep.  Although, I am supposed to be working.  So here we go...
Was about to drive my hubby nuts with hyper state...
Katie, can thyroid cause lack of appetite? I haven't had one in a year and it's making drs crazy. They want to put me on a med to stimulate my appetite, but I don't want another med. I've had it checked in the past and it was fineI don't know for sure, but I think hypothyroidism makes you less hungry. 
I am not a good person to ask.  Mine is nuts.  My TSH was normal for a while (despite having weird swings in appetite and anxiety) but my uptake scans were off.  And my thyroid was so inflammed that they put me on thyroid medicine to make it chill out.  But that made me hyperthyroid (confirmed by labs) which wasn't surprising (although it also took down swelling).  But 2nd opinion doctor said that is dangerous (and I had awful anxiety that I don't have right now).  But I didn't lose weight then.  Although I was starving all the time.  I have always swung through cycles where I will lose 5-10 pounds without changing anything.  I think my thyroid is getting inflammed again because all the extra hormone is out of my system.  I have an appointment in a month. My dad has pituitary issues, whatever I have isn't awful (I hope) but it's weird.  I may be at the early stages of something. 
All I know is that I am AWAKE when I should be exhausted, and I have been the pickiest eater for the last 3-4 days, slightly nauseated in the morning.  And no I'm not pregnant.
Argh, mosquito in the house!  We just had our windows open because it was so pretty.  Mosquitos in March?

Common symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

I hope you get to sleep tonight, Katie.

Lynn... thanks for the reminder of signs & symptoms of thyoid problems.

As I was skimming down the list for hyper--- I read the last as "star gazing"

and thought whaaat?   Actually, that would be a pretty cool symptom.


My youngest daughter is a thyroid cancer survivor, so I'm very interested in info pertaining to the thyroid.  Glad you found the info helpful Katie, call your doctor now and not wait for the appt. Why did you stop your meds?  LindyKatie, I want to suggest that you go see an endocrinologist.  You need to be under treatment and get your thyroid disease properly diagnosed.  It is not uncommon for someone who has thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid) to have periods of both hyper and hypo thyroid symptoms.  As the inflammation attacks the thyroid, it can cause stored TSH to be released, prompting hyperthyroid symptoms.  When that is used up, it can swiftly change to hypothyroidism.  The fluctuations you are have indicates that your thyroid has not been balanced out yet.
Even though the thyroid is a very small organ, it's functions have a great impact on how you feel.  Don't ignore it. 
Katie G: If you haven't been seen by an endocrinologist my suggestion would be to do so as soon as possible.
TSH levels can read within normal ranges, which vary from lab to lab and doctor to doctor as being within acceptable ranges.  Sounds as though you need to have your T4 and antibodies tested. I know from experience.

Before assuming it's your thyroid causing your loss of appetite I would be checking into the potential side effects of any and all prescription and OTC drug.  Also, as to how they interact with each other.  Your doctor(s) should already have been doing this (that is if they are aware of your loss of appetite).  * Gentle Hugs *

Thanks, guys, I have an appointment with an endocrinologist set up for April. 
I have had swings like this for a while, never as bad as last fall.  That's when my uptake scans were high (but not high enough to definitively dx Graves or anything).  First endo didn't run T4 etc., just TSH, before putting me on levoxyl.  I shouldn't have let him.  But my thyroid was so, so tender and swollen that I just wanted it down, and the only other option was prednisone, and I avoid getting hooked on that like the plague, I would worry that it would be a problem with the RA.
So 6 weeks into that levoxyl regime (.75) is when I got the second opinion.  She ran my labs, TSH was low, T4 was high.  She said get off the meds (my BP was something like 140/something).  She wants to see me back once all of that is out of my system.  So it's great that it's out of my system but now my thyroid is inflammed again.  I don't know how she will want to handle it, but she seems focused on seeing if I have pituitary problems too or if this is just inflammatory issues. 
I went to bed eventually last night, and I am still going today.  Blarg.  I felt very antsy on my way home.  If it gets too bad I may go to GP or at least to CVS to check blood pressure.  But if I really am hyper I don't know what all they could do quickly to help me out.
The only new OTC I started recently was Humira.  I didn't think this was supposed to effect things like appetite, but I will have to look....
Katie, I honestly don't think you should wait until April.  Being hyperthyroid can be dangerous - I've been there, with a resting heart beat of 140 beats per minute!  I couldn't walk across the room with out being so short of breath you would think I had run a marathon.  You can also develop eye problems, goiters, AND there is a serious health concern of a thyroid storm.  I would suggest you call the endo's office and ask to be seen sooner, since you're not doing well.I agree with HillHoney. Very least ask to go on a cancellation list.I agree with advice to call Dr.
Tell her you are getting alarmed, what your symptoms are and ask if you can have an emergency appt (or at least to be at top of waiting for cancellation list). So what if when you get there, she says it's not too bad ...it's better to be safe; Dr will agree.
I don't remember that much about thryoid storm except it's so scary bad you don't want it.

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