Socialism's Scientific Method | Arthritis Information


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Thank God journalists in the United States can spew forth opinion in the name of self-righteousness and indignation free from interference from faceless bureaucrats. If bureaucrats were in charge, they might require that journalists make generalizations about a profession they know nothing about to push their socialist-leaning agenda in the name of readership. Oh wait, they are. I am so relieved that journalists can still breathlessly demonstrate why doctors hate science after never spending a day at a patient’s bedside.

Welcome to socialism’s scientific method.

Doctors, you see, make more money than journalists. Therefore, they are inherently evil since everything they do is about money.


For example, doctors use expensive hypertensive agents because all patients can be treated with simpler, much less expensive agents that have been “definitely shown” to be more effective. Why? Because they are easily corruptible by evil pharmaceutical and device companies that have added nothing to our pharmaceutical or therapeutic armamentarium in the last ten years.
Lynn492009-03-10 03:31:05