An introduction | Arthritis Information


I posted elsewhere before introducing myself and got my hands smacked for doing so, so here it is:

Like others, I was offered a choice of therapies on diagnosis in 2004. I did the research and opted for IV to PO AP and diet typing. Erosions in my wrists, thumbs, right index finger and left ring finger appeared at ten months along with “anemia of chronic illness” and RA induced neuropathy. I chose to continue the therapy in the hopes of reaching a plateau where inflammation, pain, and damage where controlled by AP and diet. At 18 months the erosions had become worse and several other joints where involved.

I never experienced the herx effect described in the literature.  I simple went from one flare to the next with my sed rate climbing higher and higher and in the process was diagnosed with secondary Sjögren's Syndrome with both pterygium and pinguecula. At 18 months, X-rays convinced me that it was time to try something else. I started on MTX and did a gradually increase to 20 mg (subcutaneously). Plaquenil was added at about the 10th week to extend the duration of effectiveness, and recently Arava as my white blood cell count had dropped and MTX was reduced to 15 mg.

Except for some limitations from the erosions, especially in my ankles and wrists, I am doing very well both subjectively and clinically.

Seronegative RA; secondary Sjögren's Syndrome; RA induced anemia of chronic illness; RA neuropathy

MTX 15 mg, Plaquenil 200 mg twice a day, Avava 20 mg daily, folic acid 2mg/day, Gabapentin 300 mg/3Xday, Leucovorin 15 mg/weekly, B-12 injections 70 mg every three weeks.

So, in a nutshell, that is my RA herstory. Shug

Sorry to hear you've been through the wringer like the rest of us.
[QUOTE=Spelunker] I did the research and opted for IV to PO AP and diet typing.


Welcome, Spelunker!  I have two questions for you.  What is 'PO'?  I'm not familiar with that abbreviation yet.  Also, what kind of diet typing did you have done?  Are you still on the diet that was recommended based on the results?  Were the results something you expected, or surprising?

Diet is something that still intrigues me with our jra daughter, based on our other daughter's experiences with dairy.  I just can't figure out how to pinpoint it.  The tests an allergist did were all negative.     
[QUOTE=CathyMarie]Spe...  why did you get your hand smacked? [/QUOTE]
Hi CathyMarie, I was called a troll for asking questions before posting an introduction.

I am the inquisitive type and find that unless you ask questions you do not get informed, so jumped right in and asked questions.

Now I should be square with everyone and ready to participate...or so I hope LOL.

Welcome to the board! Some of us are kinda "paranoid" around here. I am one of them, sometimes. But I think everyone on this board gets that way from time to time, because of all the troll activity we have had in the recent year and all.
Hope to get to know you and see ya around!
Welcome! It's always educational to about hear how someone started with RA, the things they tried,  what worked, what didn't, etc. Then we all journey on together. [QUOTE=Spelunker] [QUOTE=CathyMarie]Spe...  why did you get your hand smacked? [/QUOTE]
Hi CathyMarie, I was called a troll for asking questions before posting an introduction.

I am the inquisitive type and find that unless you ask questions you do not get informed, so jumped right in and asked questions.

Now I should be square with everyone and ready to participate...or so I hope LOL.


Spelunker, welcome and I am sorry you had less that a warm one!  You know, I don't remember introducing myself when I first started posting either!  I am sorry someone was rude enough to call you a troll. 

Thank-you for posting your story, sounds like you have been through the muck with RA.  Hopefully, you are where you want to be in your treatment and now have found a great support group!  Welcome!

[QUOTE=Suzanne]Welcome, Spelunker!  I have two questions for you.  What is 'PO'?  [/quote] Per os, by mouth.
[quote]  Also, what kind of diet typing did you have done?  Are you still on the diet that was recommended based on the results?  Were the results something you expected, or surprising?[/quote]
The diet typing was through some very expensive visits with a famous diet typing physician's clinic (I am not sure about the policy of 'naming names'...). Actually little in my regular diet changed except the addition of some Omega 3 fish oil supplements and, somewhat reluctantly, an increase in the amount of flax seed oil I was ingesting and a decrease in the yoghurt I used in Dr. Budwig's oil/protein mixture which was looked at much like you and I would look at a bug in our soup, but that I had been eating since I was a child.

Our diet at home is basically what has become known as a "Mediterranean diet" (hmm, that spelling always makes me pause...). At first the nutritionist was scandalized by the grains in my diet, but after some "testing" stated something along the lines that what poisons one person nourishes another.

We do limit sugars and avoid high fructose corn syrup, we do not buy "prepared foods" and we make our own bread and pasta. In season we have a large garden and bottle and/or freeze produce for use during the winter months.

Since those original visits I have experimented with eliminations diets and have not noticed any change in my physical well being. HOWEVER, I know many people have great benefit from dairy free and/or gluten free diets.

[quote]Diet is something that still intrigues me with our jra daughter, based on our other daughter's experiences with dairy.  I just can't figure out how to pinpoint it.  The tests an allergist did were all negative. [/QUOTE]

Allow me to suggest an elimination diet. As one of your daughters has had an experience with dairy that would be a place to begin. Although I do recognize how difficult such elimination diets are on children.

Good luck and thank for the welcome. Shug

Edit to add a missing/
Spelunker2009-03-10 09:51:38 Spelunker
Im sorry you had bad results on AP I had the same on coventional meds, its all trial and error. I am joining a group at our hospital, all the people are on AP when all other meds had failed, I have briefly spoken to a lady on the phone today and she is doing really well on the AP, She is on tetracycline(sp), im not sure its going to work but im at the point of this disease where I will try anything legal..
Sorry you had a bad welcome. Im sure its not personal....
Nice to met you
[QUOTE=Spelunker] [QUOTE=Suzanne]

Allow me to suggest an elimination diet. As one of your daughters has had an experience with dairy that would be a place to begin. Although I do recognize how difficult such elimination diets are on children.


I've contemplated it a million times, trust me!  It was easy with older one, because she immediately felt a difference - she was having terrible headaches and stomach issues.

My little one feels fine, and yogurt is her only source of probiotics (tried soy yogurt and she got a stomachache).  I could get probiotics in her other ways, I know, but everything I read about elimination says it takes weeks to see a difference in things like swelling.

Her D levels are good, too, and I'd worry about that with a dairy-free diet.

I really wish there was good test out there so you would know.  As sick as my older daughter was on dairy (excema, too!), all of her tests were negative, so technically it is just an intolerance.
[QUOTE=SnowOwl]Fool question here, are you/have you been an actual spelunker?  Fascinating hobby, if so.  [QUOTE=JasmineRain]We put the fun in dysfunctional. is one of my most favourite dives. I never made it further south, alas, to some of the other wonderful cave diving sites in Mexico and Central America. Hello and welcome! I was wodering if you could tell me more about yout RA neuropathy. Symptoms, how diagnosed,  who diagnosed it and treatment info would be great!! Thanks so much in advance.Nice to meet you ShugHi Shug...welcome!I always wanted to go deep sea fishing and catch a shark. I have kinda an obession with sharks. I LOVE THEM! I want to see one up close and personal. Only way I can think of being able to do that is to catch one on a hook and reel it in and watch it swim next to the boat and then release it when I am done "poking" it LOL!
I want to rub the sharks belly and hopefully not get my hand bit off. LOL!
I just reminded myself of been wanting to do that, on Sunday... when I did not get my felt tipped pen. I told hubby about wanting to do that, and he just looked at me like I was crazy. Because he knew he would have to tag along and reel the thing in for me LOL!
[QUOTE=wantingtoknow]I was wodering if you could tell me more about yout RA neuropathy. Symptoms, how diagnosed,  who diagnosed it and treatment info would be great![/QUOTE]

Hi wantingtoknow, of course! My _experience_ with neuropathy began as tingling, numbness, and a burning sensation in my extremities but with my hands/arms feet/legs feeling as if they were encased in layers of cotton batting. My PCP sent me to a neurologist for evaluation. In turn, the neurologist did a deep tendon reflex test that was markedly decreased, and then a set of electrophysiologically evaluations via needle array electromyography. Intramuscular EMG and nerve conduction tests were the basis of diagnosis.

Physiotherapy, bracing, and Gabapentin are the therapies of choice, at least for now. When the signs and symptoms become overwhelming I take both opioids and antidepressants. In addition, when nothing else works I drink marijuana tea full-well knowing that I could be arrested and jailed for using a natural substance to ease my physical ailments.Caves scare me. I was not aware that I could go underground and then find myself walking a narrow bridge over a very high drop after I'd been in there awhile. I am afraid of heights! Lots of other interesting things to look at though. I was never in an underwater cave. [QUOTE=joonie]I always wanted to go deep sea fishing and catch a shark. I have kinda an obession with sharks. I LOVE THEM! I want to see one up close and personal. [/QUOTE]

I have never ocean dived, but have friends who do so regularly. If you want to be up close and personal with a shark, any shark, shallow diving would do it. In addition, shallow ocean diving is one activity that even those with severe RA can participate in with minimal effort and exertion once they are in the water.

I say go for it and indulge your obsession!

I am sure I have swam with a couple of bull sharks when we use to go the beach every summer, but I did not know we were swimming with them LOL!
Who knew sharks liked sandbars? Not me. I knew sand dollars liked sandbars LOL!


Welcome to the forum. Thanks for replying to my post earlier. Good to see a new face be active. I was much the same way.. I think you will like it here.
[QUOTE=Spelunker]I posted elsewhere before introducing myself and got my hands smacked for doing so, so here it is:

Hello and welcome. I saw your hands get smacked on the AP thread and was completely disgusted that that happened simply from you asking some intelligent questions, having been on AP already and not having a successful experience.

I apologize to you for that happening. It was not okay at all. I was appalled at how rudely you were treated. Another person may not have stayed after that welcome.

Shug, there is no 'rule' about having to introduce yourself before you post, so please don't apologize, you did nothing wrong.

New people don't necessarily know about that and if you have already had experience with your RA journey, it's quite natural to see an interesting topic and ask questions or add to what is being said, without thinking about introducing yourself. I was similar when I joined here and don't think I realized to introduced myself until well and truly after I started posting on threads. Many others have also done similar and it's fine.

It's also unwise of us to presume that every newbie here is an RA newbie. That is often not the case so right off, people with years experience with this disease already have things worth sharing or questions that are insightful.

Welcome to the board. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing more insightful, intelligent questions coming from your direction.

Feel free to ask any questions, anywhere. And also feel free to ignore people who are unnecessarily rude. The rest of us will welcome your input.  
Hi Shug and welcome to the forum.  It's an interesting, enligtening place to be......sometimes more interesting than other times.  I just read your story and it sounds a lot like mine, AP and up the ladder of medications. 
I'm in Mexico now and just found out about a cave that's near the hot springs that we frequent.  Not brave enough to go spelunking, nor young enough.  I did swim in a cenote pool in the Yucatan and it remains as one of my alltime adventures and memories.  Lindy
hi Shug, and welcome.
 You sound like you'll fit right in.
caves mmm.. I once went to  some caves in southern Ohio   Delaware Indian caves  can't recall the name but WOW how gorgeous..
Thanks, Shug for adding a new word to my vocabulary...I had no idea what a spelunker was. I just looked up the definition in an online dictionary. I like learning new words. Interesting hobby.  [QUOTE=Cordelia] [QUOTE=Spelunker]I posted elsewhere before introducing myself and got my hands smacked for doing so, so here it is:

Hello and welcome. I saw your hands get smacked on the AP thread and was completely disgusted that that happened simply from you asking some intelligent questions, having been on AP already and not having a successful experience.

I apologize to you for that happening. It was not okay at all. I was appalled at how rudely you were treated. Another person may not have stayed after that welcome.

Shug, there is no 'rule' about having to introduce yourself before you post, so please don't apologize, you did nothing wrong.

New people don't necessarily know about that and if you have already had experience with your RA journey, it's quite natural to see an interesting topic and ask questions or add to what is being said, without thinking about introducing yourself. I was similar when I joined here and don't think I realized to introduced myself until well and truly after I started posting on threads. Many others have also done similar and it's fine.

It's also unwise of us to presume that every newbie here is an RA newbie. That is often not the case so right off, people with years experience with this disease already have things worth sharing or questions that are insightful.

Welcome to the board. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing more insightful, intelligent questions coming from your direction.

Feel free to ask any questions, anywhere. And also feel free to ignore people who are unnecessarily rude. The rest of us will welcome your input.  

for anybody...

What's a troll?
I told you I'm new at this,

for anybody...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]



[edit] Etymology

The contemporary use of the term is alleged to have first appeared on the internet in the late 1980s[3], but the earliest known example is from 1991[4]. It is thought to be a truncation of the phrase trolling for suckers, itself derived from the fishing technique of slowly dragging a bait through water, known as trolling.[5] The word also evokes the trolls portrayed in Scandinavian folklore and children's tales as they are often obnoxious creatures bent on mischief and wickedness. The verb "troll" originates from Old French "troller", a hunting term. The noun "troll", however, is an unrelated Old Norse word for a giant or demon. [6]

[edit] Early history

The most likely derivation of the word troll can be found in the phrase "trolling for newbies," popularized in the early 1990s in the Usenet group, alt.folklore.urban (AFU).[7][8] Commonly, what is meant is a relatively gentle inside joke by veteran users, presenting questions or topics that had been so overdone that only a new user would respond to them earnestly. For example, a veteran of the group might make a post on the common misconception that glass flows over time. Long-time readers would both recognize the poster's name and know that the topic had been done to death already, but new subscribers to the group would not realise, and would thus respond. These types of trolls served as a Shibboleth to identify group insiders. This definition of trolling, considerably narrower than the modern understanding of the term, was considered a positive contribution.[9][7] One of the most notorious AFU trollers, Snopes,[7] went on to create his eponymous urban folklore website.

By the late 1990s, alt.folklore.urban had such heavy traffic and participation that trolling of this sort was frowned upon. Others expanded the term to include the practice of playing a seriously misinformed or deluded user, even in newsgroups where one was not a regular; these were often attempts at humor rather than provocation. In such contexts, the noun troll usually referred to an act of trolling, rather than to the author.

[edit] In other languages

Most languages have adopted the English word "troll" to refer to Internet trolls. The Japanese word, arashi (荒らし) means "laying waste" and can also be used to refer to simple spamming. In Chinese, the word báimù (白目), meaning "white eye", is used for individuals who are "mean or hard to get along with".

[edit] Identity trolling

In academic literature, the practice was first documented by Judith Donath (1999), who used several anecdotal examples from various Usenet newsgroups in her discussion. Donath's paper outlines the ambiguity of identity in a disembodied "virtual community":[10]

In the physical world there is an inherent unity to the self, for the body provides a compelling and convenient definition of identity. The norm is: one body, one identity. ... The virtual world is different. It is composed of information rather than matter.

Donath provides a concise overview of identity deception games which trade on the confusion between physical and epistemic community:

Trolling is a game about identity deception, albeit one that is played without the consent of most of the players. The troll attempts to pass as a legitimate participant, sharing the group's common interests and concerns; the newsgroups members, if they are cognizant of trolls and other identity deceptions, attempt to both distinguish real from trolling postings, and upon judging a poster a troll, make the offending poster leave the group. Their success at the former depends on how well they — and the troll — understand identity cues; their success at the latter depends on whether the troll's enjoyment is sufficiently diminished or outweighed by the costs imposed by the group.

Trolls can be costly in several ways. A troll can disrupt the discussion on a newsgroup, disseminate bad advice, and damage the feeling of trust in the newsgroup community. Furthermore, in a group that has become sensitized to trolling — where the rate of deception is high — many honestly naïve questions may be quickly rejected as trollings. This can be quite off-putting to the new user who upon venturing a first posting is immediately bombarded with angry accusations. Even if the accusation is unfounded, being branded a troll is quite damaging to one's online reputation." (Donath, 1999, p. 45)[10]

[edit] Usage

Application of the term troll is highly subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. The term is often used as an ad hominem strategy to discredit an opposing position by attacking its proponent.

Often, calling someone a troll makes assumptions about a writer's motives. Regardless of the circumstances, controversial posts may attract a particularly strong response from those unfamiliar with the robust dialogue found in some online, rather than physical, communities. Experienced participants in online forums know that the most effective way to discourage a troll is usually to ignore him or her, because responding tends to encourage trolls to continue disruptive posts — hence the often-seen warning: "Please do not feed the trolls".[11]

Frequently, someone who has been labelled a troll by a group may seek to redeem their reputation by discrediting their opponents, for example by claiming that other members of the group are closed-minded, conspirators, or trolls themselves.

[edit] Concern troll

A concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is opposed to the one that the user's sockpuppet claims to hold. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed "concerns". The goal is to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt within the group.[12]

For example, in 2006 Tad Furtado, a top staffer for then-Congressman Charlie Bass (R-NH), was caught posing as a "concerned" supporter of Bass's opponent, Democrat Paul Hodes, on several liberal New Hampshire blogs, using the pseudonyms "IndieNH" or "IndyNH." "IndyNH" expressed concern that Democrats might just be wasting their time or money on Hodes, because Bass was unbeatable.[13]

A recently declassified World War II manual on sabotage recommends such techniques to derail any effective action: "Advocate 'caution.' Be 'reasonable' and urge your fellow-conferees to be 'reasonable' and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on... Be worried about the propriety of any decision — raise the question of whether such action as is contemplated lies within the jurisdiction of the group or whether it might conflict with the policy of some higher echelon." [14]

Although the term "concern troll" originated in discussions of online behavior, it now sees increasing use to describe similar behaviors that take place offline.

For example, James Wolcott in Vanity Fair[15] accused a conservative New York Daily News columnist of "concern troll" behavior in his efforts to downplay the Mark Foley scandal. Wolcott links what he calls concern trolls to Saul Alinsky's "Do-Nothings," giving a long quote from Alinsky on the Do-Nothing's method and effects:

These Do-Nothings profess a commitment to social change for ideals of justice, equality, and opportunity, and then abstain from and discourage all effective action for change. They are known by their brand, 'I agree with your ends but not your means.'

In a more recent example, The Hill published an op-ed piece titled "Dems: Ignore 'Concern Trolls'." Again, the concern trolls in question were not Internet participants; they were Republicans offering public advice and warnings to the Democrats. The author defines "concern trolling" as "offering a poisoned apple in the form of advice to political opponents that, if taken, would harm the recipient."[16]

[edit] Troll sites

While most webmasters and forum administrators consider trolls to be a scourge on their sites, some websites welcome them. For example, a New York Times article discussed troll activity at the /b/ board on 4chan and at Encyclopedia Dramatica, which it described as "an online compendium of troll humor and troll lore." [3] These types of sites are generally unmoderated (or loosely so) and can be extremely offensive.[17]

[edit] See also

My goodness! I had no idea troll is such an official, widely used term!

A troll is someone who posts on a message board for the sole purpose of being disruptive.

That's a simple definition, others might come up with more comprehensive ones though.

Yep...they goes Jas with a thesis to read, CathyMarie, now you will know all about any kind of Troll anywhere. Go Jas,  Hiya Shug!
Nice to "meet" ya! Hey Shug!! glad to meet you...... 
sorry you need to be here.. but most of us are well behaved and welcoming 
your symptom chapter much resembles mine... we can compare notes.
Shug, how long ago did you last get to cave dive? I loved scuba diving when we lived in Florida Keys for 2 years, then in '91 on a vacation off the Yukatan. It's one of 2 places that I go in my mind when I need complete distraction. Down in that quiet beautiful place is so other worldly. But, I did not like deep diving (more than 50' to me).. too dark, so I think I'd be terrified to go into a cave! You are brave! I still have hope of going diving again, with help, or at least snorkeling, though that's not the same at all. The corals and fish are calling me..... and eels, ocupuses and light-up-in-the-dark creatures to you!
Again, welcome,
You are definately a troll.  Sorry if these guys fall for guess is you'll fade away when the drama ends.
[QUOTE=Pip!]Sorry, [QUOTE=Pip!]Sorry,
You are definately a troll.  Sorry if these guys fall for guess is you'll fade away when the drama ends.
I am sorry Pip but why is she a troll?  Because AP did not work for her and she went the conventional route?  I say to each his own.  I tried AP and I was in tremendous pain, I could not do my job, I am going the route of homeopathy and bioenergy now.  We are all our own bosses and what works for you might not work for me and vice versa.  Doesnt mean I am a troll because I want to try homeopathy. JMHO.
Oh and I forgot, welcome Shug Welcome Shug - glad you joined in.   [QUOTE=Dalmatinka][QUOTE=Pip!]Sorry,
You are definately a troll.  Sorry if these guys fall for guess is you'll fade away when the drama ends.
I am sorry Pip but why is she a troll?  Because AP did not work for her and she went the conventional route?  I say to each his own.  I tried AP and I was in tremendous pain, I could not do my job, I am going the route of homeopathy and bioenergy now.  We are all our own bosses and what works for you might not work for me and vice versa.  Doesnt mean I am a troll because I want to try homeopathy. JMHO.
Thanks Dalmatinka!!    sometimes peeps need to be reminded that we have choices.. Our own choices to make..  our own successes and failures to create.....  without the ridicule of someone who has made a different choice.. and yes, before you attempt to turn this back around, Pip.....  that goes for APers and non's alike... we can be respectful of others and their medical choices when it's not posted about as if it were the only choice for smart peeps......  when it most obviously isn't.
sorry to take up off topic on your thread, Spelunker...... but sometimes things need to be said or need to be credited.....
and as Shug discovered a Troll is also anyone that may have an opinion not approved by the self chosen Queen's of the board.  You will continue to discover that a dissenting opinion makes you a Troll.  If you make a point certain people can't refute it becomes a "straw" arguement.  If you correctly interpert a nasty statment of particular posters that they will claim that you twisted their words.  It is sad that there are posters here who can not or will not take responsibility for their words.  Luckily I think most people can figure out who is who and what is what and form their own opinions
Well said, Buckeye. I want to thank everyone for their thoughtful remarks and welcomes.  Having been tagged as Troll, I can plainly see that the only option left is to wear the guise with gusto.  I thought that maybe I was going to have to obtain a bonafides from my physician! I came to this forum after seeing it mentioned in an article about online resources in an arthritis magazine in the therapist’s waiting room.  Perhaps the article should have included cautionary statements as well: say, eh?
[QUOTE=buckeye]and as Shug discovered a Troll is also anyone that may have an opinion not approved by the self chosen Queen's of the board.  You will continue to discover that a dissenting opinion makes you a Troll.  If you make a point certain people can't refute it becomes a "straw" arguement.  If you correctly interpert a nasty statment of particular posters that they will claim that you twisted their words.  It is sad that there are posters here who can not or will not take responsibility for their words.  Luckily I think most people can figure out who is who and what is what and form their own opinions [/QUOTE]

Very well said, Buckeye. [QUOTE=Spelunker]I want to thank everyone for their thoughtful remarks and welcomes.  Having been tagged as Troll, I can plainly see that the only option left is to wear the guise with gusto.  I thought that maybe I was going to have to obtain a bonafides from my physician! I came to this forum after seeing it mentioned in an article about online resources in an arthritis magazine in the therapist’s waiting room.  Perhaps the article should have included cautionary statements as well: say, eh?

Hilarious, Shug. Excellent. You have a very decent sense of humor there. Well put. We can always do with MORE humor here, always.
PS - Hi, Cordy!! [QUOTE=buckeye]and as Shug discovered a Troll is also anyone that may have an opinion not approved by the self chosen Queen's of the board.  You will continue to discover that a dissenting opinion makes you a Troll. Hey, Retreadtrolllunk, the cenote pool swim was one of those magic moments that will stay with me forever.  I would love to dive, but have some cardiac and pulmonary issues that are RA induced, so diving isn't in my future.  A swim in a cenote is about all I can manage or a walk through the jungle.  I'm in the jungle now, looking out over the Pacific ocean but we're leaving in 14 days and it makes me so sad.  I hope that your plans go well for this year's dives.  Lindy [QUOTE=LinB]... so diving isn't in my future.  A swim in a cenote is about all I can manage or a walk through the jungle.  I'm in the jungle now, looking out over the Pacific ocean but we're leaving in 14 days and it makes me so sad.  I hope that your plans go well for this year's dives.  Lindy[/QUOTE]
Lindy, that magical swim in a Yucatan cenote, your walk in the jungle, your moment of delight in silver smithing, blogging, writing a column, journaling, watching the Sun or Moon rise or set are the moments that neither time nor circumstances can take away from you! Nor from those of us with whom you have chosen to share yourself. I, for one, thank you for sharing yourself so freely.

Hello Shug,

Welcome to the board. I just wanted to say very cool with the diving and all. The closest I have is snorkleling, and I did do the Cave tubing in Belize. I loved all of it. Good to have you aboard the board...

Tink[QUOTE=Spelunker] [QUOTE=Pip!]Sorry,
You are definately a troll.  Sorry if these guys fall for guess is you'll fade away when the drama ends.
[/QUOTE] call me a troll and then sign off with Hugs? Too bloody funny. I would have more respect for you if you were honest and eliminated the saccharine 'Hugs'.  The only drama I see on this forum at this time is your inability to answer simple, direct questions.

Why don't you turn your laser-like insights in your own direction and listen to yourself, judge your own actions, your own arrogance, your own hyperbole?

Whether or not I remain an active poster on this discussion forum has nothing to do with your guessing games.
was reading spewlunkers intro again and came across this post. Poor Pip. [QUOTE=joonie][QUOTE=Spelunker] [QUOTE=Pip!]Sorry,
You are definately a troll.  Sorry if these guys fall for guess is you'll fade away when the drama ends.
[/QUOTE] call me a troll and then sign off with Hugs? Too bloody funny. I would have more respect for you if you were honest and eliminated the saccharine 'Hugs'.  The only drama I see on this forum at this time is your inability to answer simple, direct questions.

Why don't you turn your laser-like insights in your own direction and listen to yourself, judge your own actions, your own arrogance, your own hyperbole?

Whether or not I remain an active poster on this discussion forum has nothing to do with your guessing games.
was reading spewlunkers intro again and came across this post. Poor Pip. [/QUOTE]
WHAT Shug was/is has nothing to do with Pip being poor .. not in any way.

Well... you took the way I said "poor" as not the way I meant it to be read. I meant that she was being made to look like she was wrong when she was not wrong about shug being a troll. I meant "poor" as in sorry for how she was treated and chasitized for calling shug a troll.

But no worries. We all know the real trueth now.
You defend your friends and I will defend mine. [QUOTE=joonie]I am not talking about the AP proof. I was just showing that someone called it like it was way back in March. This has nothing to do with AP. THIS has to do with someone telling us she was a fraud and then was chasitized for doing so. [/QUOTE]

It seems many of us had suspicions back then. I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure one way or the other.  Couldn't figure out if it was a flake, a troll, a disgruntled former poster, a psych experiement...

Well... you took the way I said "poor" as not the way I meant it to be read. I meant that she was being made to look like she was wrong when she was not wrong about shug being a troll. I meant "poor" as in sorry for how she was treated and chasitized for calling shug a troll.

But no worries. We all know the real trueth now.
You defend your friends and I will defend mine. [/QUOTE]
if you read the entire thread.... she was chastised for lying... for deceiving and leaving false impressions......    maybe they are one in the same??

nope, it is not pipster. It is someone else. Probably Lisa0nline. maybe that is why it is being so quiet?

No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof. What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true to-day may turn out to be falsehood to-morrow.

I am going back on minocin soon probably. I will let y'all know how it goes