Requesting Non-APer's Anti-APer's ... | Arthritis Information


post their arguments here and stay off the New Aper's thread. 

Being either an Anti-APer or Non-APer is really a easy thing to be.  There is a lot of worry and fear that it's not working or questions if this or that would help being an Anti-APer/Non-APer.  But because of the previously aforementioned feeling of being 'jumped on' by so many people for becoming an Anti-APer/Non-APer, sometimes you do not feel comfortable saying any of the positives as you struggle to get your bias into remission. 

I really lucked out...being newly diagnosed I mostly coasted into being an Anti-APer/Non-APer.  I didn't have a lot to 'undo' if that makes sense.  But all of the people just starting being an Anti-APer/Non-APer have been on almost all of the traditional drugs and may have a harder time than I.  Here they can get support as well as light the way for others wanting to be an Anti-APer/Non-APers.

We Anti-APers and Non-APers have never said it was an easy road...but somebody somewhere has to start posting the ups and downs of being an Anti-APer/Non-APer.

Maybe they could post their meds, the dosage, and the time they have been an Anti-APer/Non-APer at the top of the post so everybody can see what's going on.  Like:

Nap!!!  Anti-APer 2 days  MTX, Predisone, Plaquinel, Enbrel, Humira, Orcenia, Rituxan

I hope this makes sense.


Nap!!!2009-03-11 10:31:17
exactly, LinB......
or maybe we should say:  duh?
Thank the Lord....I couldn't follow a thing.. I looked at it earlier and left it alone.. I am trying to keep up, but this threw me a I am glad it made no sense to you girls either.
OMG - I was near tears. 
Sorry, I guess I shouldn't post on this thread.
you already DID post...... who DO you think you're kidding, Pip?ROFLMAO - oops, me too Pip, shouldn't be posting here.  But what a great place for the anti-APers (there's a phrase) to gather all their ammunition against AP and fire away.  Kinda like an OT - if you are against AP post here, if you are taking AP or use to and want to post your successes and failures, tips, and insights, post on your Requesting New APers thread.  Great idea, thanks Nap!  LOLBoy, I'm glad someone explained the reasoning behind this thread........confusion reigned.  Lindy[QUOTE=Nap!!!]

post their arguments here and stay off the New Aper's thread. 

Being an Anti-APer is really a easy thing to be.  There is a lot of worry and fear that it's not working or questions if this or that would help being an Anti-APer.  But because of the previously aforementioned feeling of being 'jumped on' by so many people for becoming an Anti-APer, sometimes you do not feel comfortable saying any of the positives as you struggle to get your bias into remission. 

I really lucked out...being newly diagnosed I mostly coasted into being an Anti-APer.  I didn't have a lot to 'undo' if that makes sense.  But all of the people just starting being an Anti-APer have been on almost all of the traditional drugs and may have a harder time than I.  Here they can get support as well as light the way for others wanting to be an Anti-APer.

We Anti-APers have never said it was an easy road...but somebody somewhere has to start posting the ups and downs of being an Anti-APer.

Maybe they could post their meds, the dosage, and the time they have been an Anti-APer at the top of the post so everybody can see what's going on.  Like:

Nap!!!  Anti-APer 1 day  MTX, Predisone, Enbrel, Humira, Orcenia, Rituxan

I hope this makes sense.

Nap !!!

Actually, it reads with the same amount of lunacy of the posts I read on the Hexing thread.

Lev! Mabus! Cordelia! 

You are posting on the wrong thread - this is where you need to vent and prove your argument as a Proud Anti-APer!!!  Leave those loser APers alone on their thread and join me in the fight to stop their lies!
I am not quite sure what your point is, but WHY do you think that anyone is "anti-AP". It seems to me, as has been pointed out numerous times over the past few days that everyone, everyone, needs to be respected for their choice, their inclinations, and their treatment.

Further, I am not sure what lies have been told. I do know that their is evasion and side-stepping of issues, hubris, and hyperbole. However, that is often simply the current social norm.

Personally, I find being anti-anything on a discussion board dedicated to arthritis insight and information to be rather small minded.

Best wishes, Shug
whether you are aware or not.. this newbie "NAP" is an APer...... trying to be funny in a sad way.......
Okay, Non-APers are also welcome to trash AP therapy on this thread too !!!  Let's keep it clean !!!  Please don't turn our forum back into a negative, ugly place all over again.  Why must the pot keep getting stirred? [QUOTE=babs10]Shug. [/QUOTE]
Well said Shug!  I tried AP, had some of the worst pain since being diagnosed, was home from work for 3 days as soon as I stopped I was back to being able to cope.  Doesnt mean that I am not happy for the people that it works for, nor will I trash it.  I recently stopped taking Plaquenil and now Arava and am feeling pretty good KOW other than a few aches and pain in my shoulders.  I worked almost 12 hours on Monday.  I now only take 8mg of medrol, alopurinol for gout and indomethacin.  And I am hoping to stop taking the medrol soon or at least less of it.   I want to try homeopathy and bioenergy because I have had enough of medicine.  That doesnt mean that I will now call these medicines which are lifesavers for some people poison and discredit them if another non drug therapy works for me. 
AP, conventional medicine, alternative therapies, whatever works for you.  This is a terrible disease and we must do all we can to fight it!  No matter what it may be!
exactly, Dal...... exactly..