Remicade | Arthritis Information


I have been on a Remicade infusion for 3 years -- it has done wonders for my skin and joints. I go to the hospital every two months for the two-hour infusion, it's much more convenient than injecting myself fairly regularly, as I would have to do with Enbrel or Humira.

I have had psoriasis and pa since my teenage years. I was put on a massive dose of methotrexate early on, it made me quite sick. Years later, when they established that a smaller dose could be helpful, I was still wary of it because of my experience. My rheumatologist has said it is helpful in conjunction with the Remicade because it prevents the development of antibodies to Remicade, but I have still refused MTX. Still, I am doing well.

I have over the years taken just about everything -- Prednisone, Gold, all the NSAIDS, etc., but my current treatment is the best. I have never taken Plaquanel since my rheumatologist says it can cause major problems in patients with PA (but it's ok for RA).




Harry - wonderful news.

Many of us have moved over to  It's a website for people with rheumatoid arthritis, but since PsA is close in resemblance, all immune arthritis folks "hibernate" there. Come join us. 

I think that this topic is going to have  a lot more information soon.  Have you seen the latest reports that link remicade to cancer? Hi Danny:  Thanks for the info. Before I made the decision about Remicade I researched all the information that I could find re:  Remicade and Enbrel and I made my decision based on my age and quality of life.  I'm 60 y.o. and have mod. to severe RA and PA.  I start Remicade inf. next week after being on Enbrel for a year with little relief.  I don't care to live the rest of my life with active RA and PA.  If Remicade gives me a few years of remission then I'm all for it.  I want to golf, walk the beach, and enjoy life again.  I'll take my chances that active RA will kill me before complications from Remicade.  I have lung complications now from RA and I'm hoping for remission.    Hi Harryk
I have ra and pa and i have been on remicade now for 6 months and i have gained like 10 lbs now and i wanted to ask you have you gained weight with the remicade.? Lynn