What a Good day! | Arthritis Information


I got enough sleep last night, and woke up at 10:30am when son woke up. Then we went outside around 11:30am to let him play. I pushed him on the swing. He played with Abbi-Kitty under the screen door, and we just sat outside.

Then... I got the bright idea to tell son to let Abbi-Kitty out and she shot out the door and under the porch she went. Me & son spent 30 mins or longer trying to get her out from under the porch. Then she just walked out from under the porch right up to me and I picked her up and about the time I was putting her back in the house a car came by. Abbi-Kitty spazes out when she hears a car. So she went to scratching me and all. I only got one scratch this time around.
I have learned my lesson not to let the cat out LOL!
I feel much better today. And the hard swelling I had is completely gone. I can see my knee caps again. I can make a closed fist today and I did not wake up in much pain. So... I can do what I was going to do yesterday.
I called hubby and told him of son & mine's little adventure and I told him I thought I done enough today. He just laughed and said it sounds like you done more than enough.
So... I am going to vaccum the livingroom and then me & sonis going to watch the movie Clue.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!Well Joonie it sounds as if you have had quite an adventure today. How on earth do you get your cat to stay indoors...Mine loves to be out under the tree in the sunshine rolling around on the grass, we too live near a main road and my cat hates cars.
I bet your son had a lovely time with you
Yeah... son actually wanted to come back in because he was hungry and wanted some more oatmeal.
I'm so happy you're having a good day
It's about damn time you had a wonderful day!! Good on ya!
I rescheduled my Remicade infusion again. Because I am still taking antibiotics for my sinus infection. So... now I do not get my infusion until the 24th. Which is fine by me.
I think the warmer weather we are getting is what is making my joints feel a little better. But I know we are to have rain some time this weekend, so I am hoping the rain does not bother me that much.
I hate not doing so well. It keeps me from going to see my mommy. But I think I am just going to start visiting her more, even if I am not doing well RA wise. The only time not to visit her will be when we are sick, to help keep her from getting sick too.
It just hurts her feelings when I am not able to do and look misrable. I hate to make her feel that way. That is why I do not like to visit when I am not doing well.

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