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My dentist appointment went very well today

 It seems that my dry mouth problem has gotten much better.  The Biotene toothpaste and mouth rinse have helped immensely and I no longer have issues swallowing! 
The best news is that I only had one cavity, not two and it's a very, very small one..............
whew!!!  that's good news!! Good news indeed. Anytime anyone has an improvement in dry mouth issues is a cause for celebration.

I'm so glad your dentist visit went well! That is great news, Lynn!  Is that Biotene toothpaste and mouth wash prescription?   Nope...I got it at my local grocery store.  My RD suggested it My dentist here in Mexico gave me Bexident mouthwash and toothpaste, wonder if it's the same or works in the same manner?  Am glad you had an easy appt.  It's always stressful going to the dentist.  LindyGreat news!- the dentist is my least favorite place to go... I went to dentist yesterday and also have dry mouth.
He gave me a dry mouth toothpaste from Colgate, don't think you can buy over the counter so will see if that helps.
Also, he said to chew a gum that has at least 2%+ of xylitol.  Having a hard time finding that much in gum.  The closest I am coming to that is Stride so will chew that until we can find better.
Also told me to sleep on side vs. back which should help night time dryness.
Great news Lynn!!!Also told me to drink 8 oz milk in evening and it should help.
had my appt today and had a pretty good report. no plaque or tartar, but need to rebuild a big ol molar, and fix another molar..ick  next week/ with Valium, and LOTS'O novocaine.
Lets hear it  for Biotene and the remineralizing toothpastes and the power brushes..etc.
