my name on this forum | Arthritis Information


I should have come up with a fun name for this forum like Snow Owl or Tinkerbell.... 

Thank goodness I attached my middle name to my first. I looked on the memberlist (accidentally clicked it instead of logout). There are 14 Cathys! 
I bet they are all in my age group (I'm 59) when it was so popular. I always had at least 5 in every classroom and even now, doctors, cleaners, pharmacies... all need my address & birthday so I get my own stuff. I should've remembered that.  Oh well, at least CathyMarie seems a little fancier so it is different.  Kind of a silly post, but I've been wanting to compliment so many of you who have chosen fun titles.

Ah, you're making me think back to my childhood and my favorite doll - Chatty Cathy!  I still have her and she still talks.  I wouldn't let my kids get near her!

Chatty Cathy!  Blast from the past.... blonde short bob and a blue dress... The only doll this tom-boy ever wanted!  Wish I still had her  I agree. CathyMarie is lovely and unusual. You can change it if you want but really, your too first names run together is very elegant, as Snow says. Oh, I am Cordelia myself. It's my real first name and people call me Cordy for short.  Oh I agree--"CathyMarie" is very nice. 

LOL, glad you like it crabby.  I'm doing everything in my power to live up to it!

Sorry, CathyMarie, I didn't finish my message, cause I got so hung up on Chatty Cathy.  It happens with age.  I think your name is super!

Well, I must add my name (Cindy), I lived in a small town and there were 6 of us with that name. Also was around the Brady bunch time and that is who I am named after. So don't feel bad Cathy. It could be worse. LOL

Thanks, everybody. You've convinced me. I rather like my new pretty, elegant name!

Oh, and about the Chatty Cathy doll...

When it first came out, I was embarrassed by it because I was very very shy.
My sister got one though. Then, 25yrs ago, she & husband started having invitation-only Halloween parties.. guests have 3 rules... -must wear a costume -must be over 21 and -must attend 2years in a row in order to earn the honor of a a funny gravestone with a "here lies" rhyme of your name on it for the backyard "graveyard".  Mine is the only one without a name on it; "Here lies Laura's sister, nobody even missed her". Some friends ask if her sister was hurt or offended. They don't know our family... I think it's hysterical!    Anyways.... she uses her old doll in a most undignified way. Out in the decorated patio, where half the party hangs out, Poor Chatty Cathy is hanging from a rope around her neck, a bloody knife in her hand, her hair is all tangled now and pulling her speak-cord produces scary nonsense. Straight out of a teen slasher-gasher B movie...Yikes!
