Interesting New Research....... | Arthritis Information


A New Pathway That Regulates Inflammation Discovered By Researchers

Inflammation, the body's earliest response to damage or infection, can aid the healing process and trigger an immune response against invading pathogens. But inflammation gone awry can also undermine health, as in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or asthma.

Researchers at the University of Illinois have identified a novel pathway that controls the activity of a key protein involved in inflammation. Their findings could have important implications for the treatment of diseases or conditions linked to chronic inflammation.

Scientists Unveil A New Path Towards Better Immune Responses

The immune response can protect us from basically any invader but it can also create disease like it happens in autoimmunity where it attacks the own body - so to understand its regulation is an important tool to assure its proper functioning. In an article just published online on the journal Nature Immunology, scientists in Portugal study one of the least understood white blood cells subsets the gamma delta T cells and reveal that it is composed by two distinct functional groups that can be identified according to the expression of a molecule called CD27, which is also determinant deciding which subset dominates the immune response. The therapeutic potential of the discovery is clear when Julie Ribot, Ana deBarros and Bruno Silva-Santos from the Institute of Molecular Medicine and the Gulbenkian Institute of Science in Lisbon, Portugal show how is possible - by targeting CD27 - to change the immune response, to diminish the numbers of those cells with potential to create toxic autoimmunity.
RE: Immunity:  so to understand its regulation is an important tool to assure its proper functioning.
thanks Lynn!!!  that's an important fact to remember.....

I thought both articles gave good explanations on how the immune system could be over stimulated and start the whole AI process where the body attacks itself...

edited for a spelling error Aren't our bodies amazing!!!  Thanks Lynn!