So... today... huh... | Arthritis Information


Yesterday, I vacuumed the livingroom. Even hubby noticed when he came in!

The other day I decided while I was sitting in the shower just to sooth my joints that I will scrub some of the shower walls. Well... this morning I done just that! I sat there until the water was not feeling as hot, and then got the scrubber sponge I bought the other day, and the comet and scrubbed the wall in front of me. Not like I done the whole wall, but at least I done something. Someone else is going to have to scrub the shower floor. I done it all left handed, because my right hand is back to not making a closed fist or gripping things well, plus my wrist is for crap on my right.
See there... I am coming up with other ways to adapt. It just takes me a while to figure out what how to do some things.
In my mind, I should be able to clean my bedroom, clean the bathroom, clean the living room, clean the dining room, do 3 loads of laundry, scrub down the fridge and freezer all in one day. I remember the days when I was able to do that all in one day. Now... I just get pooped thinking about doing all of that Good for you Joonie.
Have you ever tried a magic eraser? They are pretty cool. They work well in bathroom cleaning.
I cannot use that on my shower. It will rub off the shiney layer. My shower has a long list of things you cannot use on it. LOL!
But thanks for the suggestion!

Ooh, Joonie! Is that automatic shower cleaner thingy that you leave hanging in the shower and push the button so it can clean for you off limits? We had one for a while. The only thing is you gotta take everything (shampoo, bars of soap) out of the shower cause when it spins it sprays everything

I think it's great that you're trying to get moving and do some things, but girl! That's a long list!!  Maybe start by focusing on one room a day. I try doing that and it works for the most part. If you get done with one area, take a break and if you think you can handle more, head for the next room. Whatever you don't accomplish will be there tomorrow. It's not like it's gonna get up and move on it's own.

Glad you're having a good day!!Joonie, don't push yourself too far, girl!  My motto; I go and do on the days I can, and on the days I can't, I don't... without regrets!  It will all be there tomorrow!  (Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective! )