Pilates/ball...Dr wants me to do it | Arthritis Information


Today at RD, we discussed my just discovered osteopenia.  I'm caucasion, with small bones. I don't know if menopausal counts (I'm 59) as I'm still on Premarin. My 88 yr mom's bone density came back clear(I'm so glad) but I think one or both of my 99 years old twin Great-aunts might have osteoporosis. What probably contributed most in me was all that Prednisone I had for UC and now, my really low Vit D (19).

RD ordered labwork to see if these months of taking 3,000 IU Vit D/day has helped. (I take Calcium too). If not, I may need some huge number like 50,000/weekly.
I cannot walk because of my feet problems (actually ordered to stay off them).
I cannot do much weight-lifting because of shoulder surgeries (but I am beginning a little).
Bicycling is kind of OK though hips hurt, but anyway, it's not for bones.
Swimming (not arm up & over) works for me, but it's not for bones. 
Any suggestions?
Just for strengthening my muscles some, RD wants me to try Pilates with a big ball.
Do any of you know about that?
I'm sorry you're going through so much. Hmm... I think the big ball would help some. You could actually trade out your computer chair for the ball and work on your core muscles and balance. It's not a bad idea at all. I have one that I occassionally (ok, rarely! haha!) use for crunches. It really does hit the spot - ouch! )  I just got it and am waiting for DH to blow it up.  I say "Go for it Cathy!", what the hey, huh?

Hi Cathy

the ball is great most come with a video so you will have some idea what to do.  You can also look into yoga or tai chi for some other low impact exercises.   My shoulder doc loves resistance bands..they are better for bum shoulders than dumbbells

Well, I got my pilates ball today. It came with a pump (for hubby to do) and a DVD.

I'm kinda jazzed about it. 

As soon as I'm given my step up med for pain, I'm going to also return to my slow swimming.
I do have the therabands from this past year of PT for shoulder recovery. I still do it, but ortho doc says I have about a year to go of hard work. I don't use it for exactly what everybody usually does. I doubt I will ever have beautiful toned arms like Michelle Obama!
So with my new bed pillow, my Christmas present Target gift card is all used. Thank you to my sister!
Wonderful! Let us know how the pilates works for ya! I've heard good things about swimming, too. It's very important to keep moving.
Have a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening!
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