May I ask some questions please | Arthritis Information



I have been going through an ordeal for 2 years now.  Many trips to doctors and still really no answers.
It started with my hip hurting, my doctor dignosed with OA in my hip.  After that I had 3 positive RA panels.  The doctor keeps telling me just because I have positive blood work does not mean I have RA.
My symtoms are pain on one side of my body.  Shoulder, hip, knee, chest wall, and my ankle is even swollen.  I know that RA is on both sides of the body.
I guess my question is what are the other reasons for postive RA blood work?  I am so frustrated with doctors!

Which blood tests were positive?  And what were the numbers?

hi Kimmy
it would be helpful to know what tests were run.  Are you being seen by a rheumatologist


My rheumotolist sent the blood work to me, and this test just said RA/ slide-positive.    I am sorry I do not have the other in front of me, it was from 2 years ago.  I did have more blood drawn today.  Maybe he will be of more help.

usually a rheumatoid panel will include a esr/sed rate and/or crp which are tests for inflammation.  They are non specific tests and can test positive for any number of reasons.

 The panel will also include a rheumatoid factor which is an antibody.  It is also a non specific test though about 75% of ppl with RA will test positive for the RF.  However, that leaves 25% of ppl with RA who test negative and to further complicate things about 30% of the general population will test positive with no signs of any disease.  In addition,  primary Sjogrens and lupus  are among different diseases that might cause a positve RF
Hi Kimmey, and welcome!
Just remember that you have every right to obtain all information about any tests that a Doctor carries out so ask for those details. Either write them down at your appointment or ask for a copy of all results.  I know some Doctors just hate having their clients too knowledgeable but knowledge is power so get the info any way you can! lolol
Then come here again and ask more questions.
I am still confounded with medical terminology around RA and learn something new here every day. Best of luck and I hope you get some answers.
Lyn  Sorry to hear of your frustrations with the docs. The additional bloodwork you had done should provide some more insight and hopefully a diagnosis. You shouldn't have to live with this pain!Labs could also have included HLA-B27, ANA, and anti-CCP.  RA can be a strange little monster and the symptoms you have aren't always the same as the symptoms that I have.  Meaning, that it could very well be hanging out on one side only.  Or maybe it's getting both sides, just one is much worse than the other. 
I can totally relate to your frustration with your doctor as I'm going through the same thing with mine.  I'm going back to my old doc in a few weeks but I don't expect much from that either as when I left it wasn't on the best of terms and she appears to be the type of person that might hold a grudge.  But I really have no other option.  (it's a long story)
Keep us posted on what the doc tells you.
Welcome aboard Kimmey.  There is a wealth of information here, but get copies of every test ever run, keep a diary, and remember that in the end, you have the final say on what happens.  Keep us informed and good luck.  Cathy

Hi Kimmy...  my symptoms are all worse on left side... everything..shoulder, hand, hip, foot. In fact there's something weird about me because even when I get a Migraine, it starts behind my left eye (nothing to do with RA).  I do have it all on right side too but less pronounced. Right from the start doc told me that having one side worse is actually common in RA.  Of course there's also that whole thing about how people present with symptoms in different ways.

I've been only coming here about 3 weeks and have already learned a lot.
Keep us updated. We care.
