Vitamin or other deficiencies on RA meds? | Arthritis Information


Just curious if RA meds can cause Vitamin or other deficiencies in your body.

probably   your body is in a constant attack mode.IDK if it causes it...  there is an association, IMO.....    IDK what came first.. the deficiency or the disease....
I was severely deficient in Vit D.....   we'll know soon if I still am when I see my endo....
Depends on the drug.  Methotrexate affects folate metabolism.  Chronic NSAID therapy usually requires some sort of antacid (nexium, prevacid, zantac, etc) which can cause absorption problems with calcium and other minerals.

Hi Abby... I don't know why but I have a Vit D deficiency... lab result only 19.  That on top of all the Prednisone in my twenties for Ulcerative Colitis are the probable causes for my newly discovered Osteopenia. I'm severely allergic to Prednisone since I got RA so I can't take it or cortisone shots anymore. Also, as someone mentioned, Methotrexate uses up Folic Acid which is why it is always given in conjuction.

Iron deficiency anaemia, my GP says because of drugs for 9 years, I cannot absorb iron now through food or tablets, so have to have regular infusions.  Janie. Anemia of chronic disease and/or anemia of inflammation here. B-12 injections and sublingual b-12 twice a day. Folic acid + Leucovorin supplementation as well.

I think it is important to discuss these issues with our physicians and to advocate for testing.

Best wishes, Shug
I take doctor prescribed calcium with Vitamin D due to prednisone use, Folic Acid for MTX use, B12 for a deficiency - got it up to the low normal range as is my RBC for whatever reason.  Biotin for hair loss due to MTX. It was working quite well but now I increased my MTX and it's coming out again in the shower and the hair brush- although not terribly so. Biotin is the only supplement not prescribed by the doctor but he knows I take it.B12 & Vit. D....although the VIt D has gotten better; but I take regular B12 injections. Who knows why.....but i am.