Pure misery | Arthritis Information


Alright I am a drama queen. I have the worst cold. Certainly it is bad enough to keep my mind off of the RA.

I am babysitting the grandkids. I have to admit I am not the funnest babysitter. I let them sneak down stairs for snacks. But I asked them to be quiet. So they took pitty on me. Or maybe they got bored and went back upstairs to bed.
Eight, nine, twelve and fourteen. I love the noisy bunch of them. We are going to Universal Studios next week sometime. That is if my RA keeps at bay another week.
Called the RD last week and he is also vacationing in sunny Florida. So I have yet to have my script filled. May have to find a new one. I have an RD about sixty miles from here. I didn't like him so much that I feel like making the trip.
It has been like when it rains it pours week. My special needs brother has a gallstone. The surgeon wants to run more test because he also has tenderness on his left side and they don't know what that is all about.
My granddaughters mom has possible blood clots so I took off to Florida to watch the kids.
As soon as I got here my baby niece was in the hospital with RSV and asthma. She is home now with a nebuliser. She will be four months old next week.
The ecomomy. My goodness. One of my brothers went to Korea for employment. His son had to take a job in Iraq to keep from losing his home. Another brother of mine was about an inch from forcloser. I made some calls and got him a job in Houston, Texas from a company that had a hiring freeze going on. All three of these men lived in the Jacksonville, Florida area. They are all very thankful that they found jobs. Scary times.
Oh my goodness, Milly!  .... to have all those scary family situations occurring at the same time as RA and a bad cold...  I think you win the prize.
You are in my thoughts, I hope you are able to get some restful sleep tonight,
hugs!! cold and ra not fun.. and having to worry about when the ra will return..
Having family move, / not be around, i'm sure is scary... sad..
Hop;e things improve..
You are not a drama queen - its reality.  The one thing about a Depression is that we are all in it together, ain't that an uplifting thought!  Even the rich are hurting, kinda.  Huggles ~~ CathyBoy Milly.  Thanks for making my swollen finger seem like nothing much :)  I'm glad you get to spend time with your grand kids, have fun at Universal.  You HAVE to go on the Spiderman ride.  It's the most fun ride ever.  Feel better (I command you :) ) Linncn2009-03-15 08:15:15Sure hope everything blows over soon! It sure is a drag when EVERYTHING hits at once!
Have fun with the grandkids!

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