not OT-colonoscopy prep time-Ugh! | Arthritis Information


Ugh!  I have to start my colonoscopy prep in one hour. 

Diarrhea is an ongoing battle I fight so hard to prevent or stop. I just had one of these done 2 years ago, but with my history, must be checked over and over. I hate it. Actually, the procedure isn't bad because I always insist on full sedation. It's this darn prep.
I get debilitating diarrhea 1-4 days/ week.  Unlike most sufferers of bowel disease, I also have RA.  That means when I must run to bathroom, I can't because of my hips and feet.  I usually make it barely on time.  Then there is a frantic rush to pull pants down -fast!  Hard with a bum shoulder and problem fingers. Of course that goes on and on until it finally eases down to longer intervals in-between.  It is painful and absolutely exhausting.
I can't believe I'm going to cause all this... on purpose!
I'm going to be out of commission the rest of today and this evening.  Tomorrow, I'll be sleeping a lot.  I can't remember how fast test results come back but Dr will tell me the basics,  which my hubby will tell me again later when I wake up. Despite my risk due to my UC hx, I don't expect any cancer, or flare-up of that... only my severe IBS.
OK, so bye for a couple days,  I'll let you know my results.
Good luck Cathy...wishing you good results!Good Luck, let us know how you are doing whe you can!!Hope it all goes well Cathy. My DH just had this done and was miserable up to the scope, but recovered quickly. I had to take him out to breakfast as he was ravenous, I was really surprised.UGGG The worst part is the prep Cathy. Hope it's over and good luck tomorrow!

Ohh snap!  I went through this not too long ago and the prep is truly the worst part.  I had the upper and lower endoscopy done at the same time.  The upper sucks!  My doc didn't use anything to numb me or to restrict the gag reflex and I thought I was going to throw up on him. 

Good will be over quick.
Good luck CathyMarie.  Hope everything comes out okay  -   (  Sorry, bad joke, I know, but I couldn't resist!)
Hope it's not too bad!
See you in a couple of days, Cathy. I hope all is well. Let us know when you can.
take care
Hi Cathy, all the best, I have to have these regularly too, don't worry, it will all be over soon, Janie. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from prep and procedure. As others have said, let us know how you are when you can.