colonoscopy+RA... not easy, but all done! | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone, thanks for your kind thoughts.

Going through that colonoscopy prep with RA hand, feet, finger issues was not easy, but I did a very smart thing... I started earlier than 7pm as per instructions. Instead,  I began at 3pm and boy was I glad when the results ended by 11:30pm and I was able to stay in bed, let go and go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Of course I have bowel disease, so maybe normal people do just fine starting at 7pm. The best part was waking up with an absolute flat tummy and lbs lighter! Too bad that's temporary.
As I knew it would, the actual procedure was a breeze because they have my records from my last 2 times there and know to honor my wish-demand to be fully sedated. Memories of my earlier days when I was full of ulcers are of agony and the last time it was done without good sedation, my poor innerds went into such spasm, the scope could not be advanced.  So now I'm totally out of it.  I can't believe what they gave me:  fentenyl, valium, and benadryl --- no wonder I sleep the entire day afterwards! I totally recommend it, but don't know if all drs would agree to.
I won't know complete results until pathology testing of my one polp is done, but otherwise it was good.... no active UC, no cancer, no diverticulosis, ...nothing bad --yeah!!!
Although, I ate when we first got home at 11:30am, I am now awake and famished...
so good-bye for today.
Glad everything came out OK!

When I got scoped, they gave me fentanyl and midazolam (Versed).  I wasn't completely out but I certainly didn't give a damn about anything!
I'm glad everything went well Cathy. Now go get you something good to eat!
take care
Yea Cathy!  The worst is the prep!  Good news and I am sure all else will be well!
I stuffed myself silly tonight. I shouldn't be hungry for a week!
Now my sleeping is messed up. After sleeping all day, I'm awake at midnight. It's ok, it's just one night and I have no appts in am. My bird is delighted here in my office/ quilting room/ bird room.  He is singing pop-goes-the-weasel and hello, birdie and having fun out of his cage. I had to close doors as poor hubby is sleeping.
About my colonoscopy meds...I goofed, I wasn't given valium, I was given versed. I think it was the benedryl being added that did the trick. I was there extra long since nobody could get me to wake up. Tom thought it was funny. I think it was great. When I finally woke up at home at 7:00ish, I naturally had stiffness in hips & fingers, but in general I've felt better this eve than usual. hmmmm, maybe I should take fentenyl,verse,benedryl every night so my days can be better. just kidding.
So, other than the one polyp which I fully expect to be benign, the only thing found was internal hemorrhoids from 40years of disorders causing diarrhea. I can live with that. The pathology testing results will determine how many years I can wait for my next time, well, that and symptoms, because of my history. I'm hoping for a whopping 5 year break. Most people are told 10yrs, in case you're wondering.  
I appreciate all your kind thoughts,
I just had to have the colonoscopy done in Dec. the day before they did Gallbladder surgery well they did give me meds to knock me out but the funny thing is I could feel what they were doing but couldn't say nothing. I told my Dr. and he said sorry that happens sometimes. Then the next day he took my gallbladder out and I didn't feel a thing. The prep is the worst part. But I am very happy everything came out ok for you. LauraGlad everything is looking good!