Evolutionary biologist Paul Ewald | Arthritis Information


Oooh, look, somebody finally answered my question.  Of course, he's a doc and a research, so it can't possibly not 'count'.

Pip.. why do you do that?  you discredit yourself w/ comments like that.
he's a PHD.........  sheesh.
Interesting article.  Will read it all later.

What isn't surprising to me, so many words and phrases are used that mean opinion or possibility, not science or proven fact from the Zoologist. "When we consider the possible cause..." "..... I believe the most useful way to do this......." "......However, this may be just a reflection......"Yes, it’s possible."....I think the fact that the concept......." "..... I do believe it is inevitable....." "..... Personally, I believe that we label an illness....." ".....most mental illnesses are probably....."

I don't like those words and phrases when talking medical fact or science because in medical fact or science, those words aren't allowed.  Also, we can see that he has a bad concept of medical doctors and professionals.  He says this, "Modern medicine has done a poor job looking for clues of continued infection" " Recognizing these patterns requires thinking broadly and deeply, but medical professionals and researchers have been trained to think narrowly." "That brings us to the concept of autoimmune disease – the idea that the immune system just “goes crazy.” That is a ridiculous statement for him to make. I really can't think of any researcher or scientist or doctor that believes that the immune system "just goes crazy". That's crazy in itself. This author also shows his disdain for the big pharma, skirting the issue that they aren't interested in cures or vaccines because there is no money in them. Gosh, where have we been blasted with those statements? It shows his ignorance and bias. Most drugs and vaccines and cures are not found by big pharm. What incentive would the universities research centers have to keep a cure or vaccine from those that are suffering? He shows that he can't be trusted. It's that simple. Anyone that makes such a reckless statement as this, "When it comes to pharmaceutical companies, it’s important to recognize that they are very good at some things and very bad at others. What they are good at is product promotion and marketing, and working in innovative ways when the resulting product can bring in lots of money. The problem is the products that make the most money are not necessarily the products that actually help people the most." And this, "If you think about it, there isn’t very much money to be made off a vaccine because a person uses it once or twice in his or her life and that’s it. Instead, think of the amount of money to be made off a statin when a person is going to take it every day of their life. There’s just not much motive for drug companies to invest in products that are cures or very good preventatives." This author has problems with his thinking mode.

Pip - this was my favorite part:
The concept of autoimmune disease has progressed to the point that now even researchers who previously dismissed the possibility of infection are accepting the possibility that “autoimmune” disease could be triggered by infection. This is some progress, but it’s not enough. Especially since the concept of autoimmunity encourages doctors to prescribe immunosuppressive steroids to patients. But if persistent infection is involved these steroids may exacerbate the fire by allowing pathogens to spread.
Wow.  Is this why steroids might not work for every patient?  That steroids makes it spread? 
Babs - Pip posted that because she knew that like the sun will rise in the morning, Larry would be posting how this highly respect PhD is a moron and lying, as he attacks every post Pip makes.  And she was right, that's exactly what he did.  Where's your outrage of the savaging by Larry of a professional and noted authority on this part of science who you obviously respected by posting and chastizing Pip the way you did?  Larry wants it every way, all his way, no matter who or what source is cited, he is always right, and the rest of the world is wrong and he has no respect for anyone in his war of complete destruction of the world as we know it. 
Great find Pip.  Cathy

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I do not live in yours' world. I don't believe that everyone but you and your small group is corrupt. I don't believe that big pharm hides and buys cures and vaccines and that all the thousands that are involved are just as corrupt and so they too keep their mouths shut. I don't believe that big pharma pays off all the universities and research center all over the world and all the thousands associated. I don't live in that world where people would take money and still watch as limbs and lives are lost over diabetes that could have been cured had it not been for those thousands of people all paid off by big pharm. I don't live in your world. I don't want to visit your dark and ugly world, no offense. Anyone that makes such reckless statements is too biased to be taken seriously. I don't believe the author to be a moron. He has found a following and can make a very comfotable living selling his following books of his theories. He's anti-pharm and has a negative opinion of doctors and scientists,makes him highly respected by you and your group.
Jsnm,this is the part you like:

"The concept of autoimmune disease has progressed to the point that now even researchers who previously dismissed the possibility of infection are accepting the possibility that “autoimmune” disease could be triggered by infection. This is some progress, but it’s not enough. Especially since the concept of autoimmunity encourages doctors to prescribe immunosuppressive steroids to patients. But if persistent infection is involved these steroids may exacerbate the fire by allowing pathogens to spread.

I've heard for a long time that infection may trigger auto-immune diseases. That's nothing new. It's a theory just as there are many theorys, just as biting your toenails may exacerbate the fire(s). Theorys. We live in such a great era of time for medicines and cures. With the dna and genetic codes being picked apart and put back together, the very near future holds cures never before thought possible. Another quote from you, Jsnm:

Wow.  Is this why steroids might not work for every patient?  That steroids makes it spread?

Wow? What does science say about that theory? I know what you are going to ask. Why do I always have to bring science into every medical debate. That's just me, Jsnm. I prefer science to booksellers. Especially booksellers that speak negatively about the science and medical fields. What's up with this? You sound like you've "totally" lost it:

Babs - Pip posted that because she knew that like the sun will rise in the morning, Larry would be posting how this highly respect PhD is a moron and lying, as he attacks every post Pip makes.  And she was right, that's exactly what he did.  Where's your outrage of the savaging by Larry of a professional and noted authority on this part of science who you obviously respected by posting and chastizing Pip the way you did?  Larry wants it every way, all his way, no matter who or what source is cited, he is always right, and the rest of the world is wrong and he has no respect for anyone in his war of complete destruction of the world as we know it.

Well, Jsnm, you've warned the world. If they don't listen and I destroy the world as we know it, look how right you are going to finally look.

I'm not saying that the Author is lying. He has theories. They may be right or they may be wrong, but unlike him, I believe that the researchers are one the right paths to our disease, be it his theory or another theory. I believe that those medical heroes are on the verge of taking our disease apart and putting it back together and making a cure, while he is trying to put together another book.

levlarry2009-03-17 18:38:11Still praying for you Larry, hope all is well in your imaginary world.  Actually Babs, I was stoked!  Just excited as all get out that somebody somewhere had even thought about that question. 
These steroids may exacerbate the fire by allowing pathogens to spread.
Now, if we can get more research into that question, we might just get our cure.
Cathy - it's not just steroids - it would be any immunosuppressive. 

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