HAve you ever been so thankfult hat you just cried | Arthritis Information


I am telling you now, my state insurance changed and I was able to go to my regular PCP and ...and get bloodwork done during this past flare. I was so thankful I just cried. I have not had insurance other than for clinics adn I was so ill this past couple of days I could barely move, it was the pits. I slept for 2 days straight and actually thought this is where my life will end.

I called my RD in Indiana, he was not in. I then called my PCP, he could get me in, I needed pred for certain I thought but he wanted to see me before he wrote the script for it.

I went in adn he tweeked a med and then sent me for bloodwork to see where my sed rate, ect. was.....I gave them my insuurance card fully expecting to have to make payments for the next year and they notified me that they take that insurance. I actually held back the tears I was so thankful. I mean I was sooooooo thankful!

Went to egt my meds in tears thought for sure this new med would not be covered even at the clinic pharmacy, My name was called.....00 is what they needed. Again, I was soooooo thankful...cried the way home.

I slept well, daughter called, Jarek was unsettled I told her he was prob just oversleepy or cutting teeth. HE finally fell asleep.

THen I thought, I need to touch base with a few people so left messages. Mostly for my sanity but also because this person knows me so well and I miss them.

TRegardless went through this flare and am coming out of it.....DR. thinks it isn;t the RA but the Fibro, maybe some other yucko thingy disease to add to the mix but the bloodwork will let us know.

IT felt good to be able to go to my regular PCP. Feels good to connect with people you know that know you and are concerned.


Let us know how the bloodwork comes out.jodejjr queried, "HAve you ever been so thankfult hat you just cried"

Yes, while not for the same reasons you outlined, I certainly have been so overwhelmed with thankfulness that I have cried. Often that emotion strikes me when I witness a Sunrise or a Sunset; when the full moon shines or the stars light up the heavens. The early morning scent of honeysuckle, or bird song can bring me to tears as can the perfume of jasmine in the evening and the distant hoot of an owl; the sound of wind howling through the rafters and the soft call of a dove make me thankful beyond worlds for being in the moment and capable of experience thankfulness that brings me to tears.

Best wishes for a tearfully thankful outcome on your tests.

Cheers, Shug
"HAve you ever been so thankfult hat you just cried"

I've cried this past year in thankfulness for clinical remission and the change in my life.  They were tears of joy and wonder.
I cry for many of the same reasons as Shug.  My latest cry was because I was able to fullfill one of my dreams - planting a tropical garden.  It's not big but it has a red banana tree, passion flower vines, small ornamental palms, wild orchides that I collected from the jungle, and other plants that I haven't identified.  This has been a dream and I was able to bring it to life this winter.  I cried.  I cry more in thankfulness than in saddness.  It's good to cry and I'm glad your tears were for being thankfull for life's blessings.  Lindy
I cry all the time.. for all the wonders and all the people in my life..
I hope you feel better soon..... let us know how you make out.
It takes a lot to make me cry and yet very little to make me cry when something touches my tender heart.

I'm so glad you have so much to be thankful for right now. We all need to feel that way from time to time. Life can be so difficult.

Best of luck with your blood results and hope you have a streak of things to be thankful for!
Have you ever been so thankful you cried?

I'm so thankful that I didn't die with this vasculitis thing. There were many times I thought I'd die and sometimes even wished I would. Yesterday I had to go to hand therapy. It's at the hospital where I work. I went by the ER just to check on everyone. One of our techs came up and hugged me, asked how I was doing. I told him I was so much better but that I am so broke. He said he has 4 weeks of vacation he'd just get the hospital to pay him for the time and then give me the money. Of course I didn't do it but the fact that he  offered , that made me cry. :)
Just an update even though I posted...test results state my RA is within normal range, still in remission.

Will see RD soon and hopefully all will be ok. Sounds like the good streak is continuing- may it last a long, long, long time!
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