Vote 4 NMPP!!! | Arthritis Information


I just wanted to say...

Vote 4 NMPP!!
What is NMPP?
NMPE is No More Periods Please!
I say we have enough on our plates as it is, so I say when we get this lousy disease that our periods should go away when it is active. Sounds like a fair thing to me.
Or maybe just an "On/Off" switch would be nice.
You can say...
"Hey I think I want to be bitchier this coming month... I'll turn it back on!"
"Oh hubby has been wanting too much sex again and I have a "headache" is not cutting nor is 'I have body pain' cutting it... time to turn it back on twice this month!"
I just wanted to start the campaigning early for next month.


It will happen.
Am I the only one who has a problem with having periods while having active RA?
I mean I really struggle that week the ole "monthly bill" comes in. Not with symptoms of the ole "monthly bill", but just tending to the "monthly bill".
Poor Abbi-Kitty... she is in heat again. She looks depressed. and the kids are both home all day long this week. Right now they are at in-laws until MIL goes to work. So... Abbi-Kitty is getting some "rest".
I bet Abbi-Kitty will vote 4 NMPP! No, I have talked to my Ewwy Gooey Gyno about those period reducers when I had to find some birth control after having son, he said probably not a good idea for me.
Yeah... and those other options you said are out too LOL!
I want another kitten.
[QUOTE=joonie]I want another kitten.
want in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which gets filled first.
I don't know why but I have always related the monthly visit with "all is right with the body." I'm 48 and this has been going on for me since I was 10. I won't know what to do when it stops coming.....*******Embrace it********  I have embraced it for 19 years... I am about tired of embracing it LOL!You're a novice - I have 41 years experience!I don't love it, but I'm not looking forward to the end.  Then it's a whole new set of things to deal with.  I'm happy how I am. 
Joonie~  my sister had this procedure done called Novasure.  It's pretty simple.  I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it has cut down her "bill" to practically nothing and lasting only a day, if that.  It's only for women who are certain they want no more children though. I got another 25 years of this crap!!
Oh... I do not want any more kids. I am too old for more kids. The ones I got now make my brain hurt most days
You are making me soooooo happy I had my hysterectomy!  From age 8, I hemmorhaged to the point where I was chronically so anemic, I had embarrassing fainting spells, had to be excused from phys ed class, was always near to needing transfusions, and the pain was intense. At my first surgery for ovarian cysts, I was diagnosed with endrometriosis.  After many surgeries, years more of troubles, and no other way to stop it, I finally agreed to have my poor damaged uterus, one bad tube, remaining 1/4 of one ovary, and cervix, all removed. Best thing I ever did. Now, I can't get uterine, ovarian, cervical cancer! And I have no more agonizing periods that always aggravated my chronic problem of inflammatory bowel disease every month, sometimes hospitalizing me. I was only 27 but so ready to be pain free and have only one major medical condition, I didn't go through any depression. We adopted our first baby a year after I was fully recovered and then a second, from Korea, the next year. Our daughters are now 28 and 29 and fantastic. So, you see, I can relate to your anger, frustration, difficulty having what is supposed to be ordinary, aggravate your other major difficulties from RA. Everytime I see that commercial about only having 4 periods/year and even better, the one about something for only once/year, I think how marvelous that would have been for those like me. However, I do wonder how safe it is for women who are healthy and still want to give birth.
All those totally healthy women of the world who gripe about their minor inconvenience, have no idea how lucky they are compared to those like you who have their chronic challenges compounded every month.
So, go ahead and vent or joke about it... those are the best outlets.
But when I go to my Maker, boy do I have some things to say!
Embrace it? I think only women, who don't have huge pain, can say that. (no offense intended personally :)
Endemetroisis, is the worst!!
I say first, get abbi kitty FIXED!!
then just go and rip yours out!! LOL