Doc wants to move from Orencia to Retuxin | Arthritis Information


Orencia to Retuxin.. WHAT THE HELL!!! she doesn't like the results I'm getting with the use of the Orencia.  Yes, I still have some inflammation around my knuckles and knee.  But I am able to walk and and still type for a living and do things I couldn't do 5 years ago  Then she hit me in the HEAD  I laughed and said I don't think so.   I need to work and if this med does not work I can't be imobile and be abe to move.  So folks I have some deep thinking to do.

Now she wants to put my on 30 mg of Prednisone and taper off until I see her in a month,
so the inflammation can go down.  I told her you will be held repsonsible for what I do to my kids and hubby.  LOOK OUT WORLD mad WOMAN on the LOOSE.
Anyone out there taken Retuxin for over 3 years, or switch from Orenica to Retuxin?
Hey Y2S, what a kick in the pants!  I guess she is trying to be as aggressive as she can though.  I can not help you with your question, but I hope someone can offer you insight.  I can only offer support, and say listen to your gut.  Maybe you should schedule another appt. and, now that you have had time to digest this info and do some research, have another talk.  If you still are not satisfied, maybe get a second opinion. 

Sometimes the hardest part of having RA is deciding what to do about the meds!  Good luck to you and try not to kill anyone while on the pred (I don't think that is a legal defense) I have been on Orencia for a few years now after many years of Remicade.  It doenst completely control my RA either...but nothing does.  It sure helps tho.  I know a lot of patients in my RD's office are on Rituxan and they do well.  The thing is that it wipes out your B cells so if you are prone to infections as I am, that can be very dangerous.  SOmething to consider.  I am very sensitve to meds unlike other people though.  Just ask a lot of questions before you go on it... and it your gut says not to, listen to it... that is my advice.
Good luck!
I switched from Orencia to Rituxan in Jan.  I have had two doses so far.  I think it is working.  I have had also of other stuff going on/surgery and I haven't had a huge flare yet.  One of the reasons I switched was difficulty getting vein access.  It took them over 15 tries once.  I really didn't want to go the port route.