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Haad a RH appointment yesterday.  he had been running test since he could not understand why my remicade was not helping with my pain and fatigue.  was there at least an hour very thourough.  Then came the bad news.  Add fibro to the PA and also some other diesease where my bones are being attacked and weakened.  i already had osteoperosis, but only just started on a medication for it.

I say bad news but if i have these diseases then its better to know and get the treatment than to kepp on as i have been.
But i hate that my RX list goes up, along with my co-pays
I am sorry Clufus.
I have fibro it bites.
I hope the new meds work for the pain and fatigue.
joonie whats does the Raynauds do?My hands and feet get really cold. And when I try to warm them up after they have gotten cold it burns until they warm up. My fingers will be a pale white from the middle knuckle to my finger tips.
That is how it is for me anyways. And that is what my RD says it is.
It also goes along with Fibro as well.
funny.  i can never get mt feet warm at night, don't notice it during the day but once i hit the sack the are like blocks of ice and nothing will warm them up.  I can use an electric blanket on full and be sweating and my feet still cold. I put it down to the fact the MTX has reduced my body temp by about 1.5 degrees 97.6 is my normal temp these days.Oh My God.  thanks for the link.  I have Fibrofog.  what a releif to know that there is a reason for my memory issues.  They have been coming on for about 6 months, especially the not finding words to use, transposing letters, concentration and focus.  I need to do more research on this    -    Thanks, err- sorry forgot your nameClufus, I am sorry you got such bad news.  Fibro is an awful thing to deal with on top of what already ails you.  I hope you find the right combo to help you through this.  Often, my fibro pain and fatigue issue was worse that my RA pain and fatigue, though, at other times, they were hard to seperate.

I'm thinking about you, Clufus, sending you good energy.
From my admittedly limited interaction with others with autoimmune dysfunction, it _seems_ that if we have one dysfunction, we have another and then perhaps even another.

I am very sorry for your latest edition and pray you have no others come to stay!

Best wishes, Shug
Sorry you have more things wrong than you knew about. Like you said- at least once you know about them you can treat it. Keep up the good attitude and I hope you find a way to get relief.ohh i definately have fibro fog.. .. does this thing w/ ra ever end?? i mean
Seriously!! give us a break!
Clufus, hang in there.  Fibro is a challenge.
Lyrica has been a great drug for me.
sorry... I have had the fibro with RA for years.  Its hard to have both and even harder for people to understand how that is.  RA is tough enough... then adding the fibro just plain sucks.  Hope you can get on Lyrica for it.  I havent been able to.  They use anti depressants for it usually as well.  I really dont take any meds specifially for the fibro, so its hard.
Hang in there.
There are some good books on it... its a very complicated disease.
