Flare almost over NOT RA! | Arthritis Information


What a journey this has been. I have been so ill but coming out of it. Blood work reveals NO RA!I am within normal range...didn;t even ask what the sedrate was....spaced on that one.DR. thinks it was a virus.

THe other gma is babysitting as well so that allows me to get the rest I need. We thought it might be MS, but doc says nope, thankfully. Now I can refocus and get things ready for garage sale ( I hate garage sales!) get rid of all this useless junk!!!!Hopefully get back on track so I get see my friends in Indiana.I'm so glad for you.... now go have some fun!

Rough ride, huh Jode?  I am so happy you are on the other end of it now.  Just be careful and don't push too far too fast!  No relapse!  I hope your garage sale makes you loads of money for that trip!

Take care!
Jode - my most recent labs showed no disease activity at all - its like a rock came off your back.  Good work and if I could, I would shop your garage sale :)good news! I hate garage sales too- It's like your life is out on a table for people to rummage around. My husband loves to have them. I help price things and set tables up but I stay in the house. I can't bear to be outside.
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