Pain, pain, go away | Arthritis Information


ok this is just so wrong. So wrong I say. I went to bed last night at 5:00 p.m. and I slept better share of the day today. Plagued by severe fatigue and swelling,  joint pain and overall feeling of yuk.  My legs even hurt to walk on, and I mean really hurt. Kind of like walking on broken legs. As far as flares go so far this has been my worst so far.  I have not really needed strong pain meds before now but man I can't take anymore pain days like this.  I am going to RD on Tue and I am wondering what kind of pain meds she will recommend. Does anyone have any sugestions of something that has worked for them? I need drugs, good drugs. The only thing that worked for me and I still wasn't pain free was oxycontin.

So sorry to hear you are feeling so awful. I know you had to stop the Enbrel but you are still on the MTX right? How about prednisone?
I am sorry. I have been like that for almost 3 weeks now. The walking on broke legs.

I hate someone else is going thru this too.
I took an extra 10mg of pred the other day because I just could not take it anymore, and the Ultracets just were not helping me out. I had one good day and now I am back to feeling like I did before the extra 10mg of pred.
I tried to call my RD yesterday to see if she would give me a medrol pak, but they were closed for lunch and then I forgot to call back. It is hard to remember to do things when both kids are home ALL DAY LONG, because they fuss and fight and tattle-tell on each other and I cannot say "Go tell your Daddy.", because he is at work. LOL!
Hope you find relief soon. I know I will be finding me some relief this coming Tuesday. WOOOHOOO!!
Much hugs to you.
ETA:  -- I am still working on finding a pain med that will work for my BAD pains. But Ultracets work good for me for my little pains and aches. I am switching to Ultrams though.
joonie2009-03-20 18:55:25Tuesday can be awfully far away if you feel so rotten.  Urgent care should be able to give you an overall cortisone shot.  These won't cause the issues that longterm pred use does.  That might allow you to buy time until Tues.
Of course, if you are like me, when you finally see the dr, the inflammation disappears.  It might give him a better picture if you go in looking/feeling rough.  How sad it that?   I guess that is the problem with something like RA.  So much is judged on appearances.
I have been on a variety of pain meds.  I am pretty anti pain meds due to the fact that my son is 5 and I need to be able to parent and work.  But, there are times when they are necessary.  Ultram and Ultracet just made me hyper.  Lortab--great for pain but VERY hyper and jittery.  Couldn't take it at night which didn't help pain med wise.  I have actually been on percocet since Nov. due to the Jaw issues.  Seriously, if I have one more pair of hands in my mouth I will scream.  Wait...can't open the jaw enough to do so :)  Anyway, percocet has helped.  When I have the inflammation along the sternum I have a cream that my pain dr. prescribed.  It's a compound so it has to be made at a special pharmay (apothocary).  It helped a bit, but only for a localized area-not overall.
I have tried many alternative treatments for pain.  I currently see a pain dr. who has been wonderful.  He has been giving me a series of nerve blocks to help some of the very troublesome areas.  I highly recommed that anybody experiencing pain for an extended period of time see a pain specialist.  There are so many ways to treat and handle it.  BUT-you need to find one who you trust and will work with you. Kinda like with your RD.  I asked my RD who would he send his daughter to(we are the same age) and he said definitely this individual. pain dr. also prescribed Doxipen or Doxepin for sleep.  It is also used for things like depression and severe hives(strange huh?)  Anyway, it has a sleep aid and a pain med combined.  I went through the sleep meds and I still woke up by 2 each night/morning.  Sleep resets your body.  Without, you can't break the pain cycle.  Simply Sleep by Tylenol is pretty good-non habit forming.  It has the same ingredient in Benedryl but without the additional meds.  Of course, Tylenol PM has the pain and sleep combined.
Whew....that was my rundown! 
Joonie, how are you doing?   I know you are also having a hard time.  Seems like we have all just hit a rut.
We are all probably having a hard time because of the weather changing so much and the season changing as well. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]The only thing that worked for me and I still wasn't pain free was oxycontin.

So sorry to hear you are feeling so awful. I know you had to stop the Enbrel but you are still on the MTX right? How about prednisone?
Yep, I am still on the MTX and Plaquinil also a prednisone a day and diclofanic too. I was taking tylenol 650mg. for the pain and until now it has done a fairly decent job but. . .Thursday I was not  totally feeling well at work and should've  come home from work early but since I found out last week  I am being watched now (days missed, arrival and  leave times etc.) I thought I better hang out till end of day because Friday I was going to off and God forbid they come back at me with the ~~we notice a pattern of days missed. Like as if I was being dishonest about being ill. As if I could control my RA or something. 

Anyways I want relief and I want it now.  Sorry for moaning everyone but I am just hanging by a thread here. 

Edited for major boo-boos
mom2threeinaz2009-03-20 19:29:45What dose prednisone? That's a shame you have to wear yourself out because you are being watched. Thank goodness you had today off!

Many, many hugs to you.

Thanks everyone for all your info.  Rocckyd thanks for the sugestion on the sleep aids too. I am definately have much to talk about on Tues.  I probably should've went to urgent care but without co-pay in hand thei won't bill so I am kind of stuck to hold out until Tue. Had a reall good night rest after I finally did make it to sleep at 2:00 a.m. I'll just take it easy today and ride it out until Tue. Hoping everyone will have a restful weekend.

Edited again brain is telling my fingers what to type but they don't seem to be geting it right
mom2threeinaz2009-03-21 07:40:40 [QUOTE=mom2threeinaz] Thanks everyone for all your info.  Rocckyd thanks for the sugestion on the sleep aids too. I am definately have much to talk about on Tues.  I probably should've went to urgent care but without co-pay in hand thei won't bill so I am kind of stuck to hold out until Tue. Had a reall good night rest after I finally did make it to sleep at 2:00 a.m. I'll just take it easy today and ride it out until Tue. Hoping everyone will have a restful weekend.

Edited again brain is telling my fingers what to type but they don't seem to be geting it right

WOW I really botched that post with spelling errors. I am just not with it today. Mom2three, I know just how you feel I have been in such pain for weeks I can not hardly stand my self. I think to myself is this ever going to get better. I have been battling this for almost 3 years now and still don't get a day that I feel better and I am sick of it. I try to inorge all the pain but sometimes I think I am going crazy with it. SoI know how you feel and I don't have kids home but I do have a daughter that has cancer. That I worry about all the time. She is done with chemo but she has 7 weeks of radiation yet. She landed in the hostipal 2 days ago with she thinks it was the flu but doctor really didn't know. Isn't that something a doctor don't know. OOPS we got off track here. I do feel for you. I hate this pain I was up at 4:00Am this morning in the shower hoping I would get some relief. I swear to god I have tenitius all over my body. Thats how bad it hurts. Well I wish you well and hope you get better soon. Joan [QUOTE=angel58]Mom2three, I know just how you feel I have been in such pain for weeks I can not hardly stand my self. I think to myself is this ever going to get better. I have been battling this for almost 3 years now and still don't get a day that I feel better and I am sick of it. I try to inorge all the pain but sometimes I think I am going crazy with it. SoI know how you feel and I don't have kids home but I do have a daughter that has cancer. That I worry about all the time. She is done with chemo but she has 7 weeks of radiation yet. She landed in the hostipal 2 days ago with she thinks it was the flu but doctor really didn't know. Isn't that something a doctor don't know. OOPS we got off track here. I do feel for you. I hate this pain I was up at 4:00Am this morning in the shower hoping I would get some relief. I swear to god I have tenitius all over my body. Thats how bad it hurts. Well I wish you well and hope you get better soon. Joan[/QUOTE]
Just remember we are in this together.  We are here for each other. You and your daughter are in my prayers.
Mom - I am so sorry.  I cannot tell from your picture how old you are (cute kids though), but I have been on hormones now for three weeks and am shocked at how quickly and effectively my pain levels have come down.  It's been observed in here that there is a hormonal component to our disease progress, so maybe you might want to get your pre-menopause blood baselines drawn and see where you are at.  Just an idea, take care Cathy  PS Of course this is mostly for the women, but men have hormonal issues too.  This Evista has been a huge factor in feeling so great lately, along with the switch of thyroid meds.  [QUOTE=justsaynoemore]Mom - I am so sorry.  I cannot tell from your picture how old you are (cute kids though), but I have been on hormones now for three weeks and am shocked at how quickly and effectively my pain levels have come down.  It's been observed in here that there is a hormonal component to our disease progress, so maybe you might want to get your pre-menopause blood baselines drawn and see where you are at.  Just an idea, take care Cathy  PS Of course this is mostly for the women, but men have hormonal issues too.  This Evista has been a huge factor in feeling so great lately, along with the switch of thyroid meds.  [/QUOTE]

You know that's a good idea I had a partial hysterectomy over 10 years ago. I suppose it's about time for whats left to give out. I will ask about that blood test  it when I go to RD visit on tues.
