lets get some chit chat going | Arthritis Information


What's everyone up to? My son had his appt. and got his prescrip for Concerta for ADHD. The Dr. is ditzy. She gave me something to take into the pharm for free samples to make sure it's the right med for him and to test out dosages. When I got home the phone was ringing but I didn't get to it in time. It was her name and number but no message. So I called and got her voice mail. She just called me now at 10 PM to say she was supposed to write me a prescrip too- so don't go to the drugstore til I get it in the mail.... I hope the concerta helps. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and borderline OCD at 3 yrs old. We did OT with her and so far have been able to avoid meds. She's 5 now and hasn't started school yet, so we'll see what the classroom experience brings.... I have often wished there was a med for the parents of ADHD kids. Relaxall, or Bearitall, or Calmtrex, or something like that.
My old old doggie is on pred now. She is also becoming increasingly more incontinent. When we come home from errands I send the kids on accident patrol, or as they like to call it, the Poo Hike. Its getting pretty awful actually.
I just took my weekly dose of mtx... I'm really hoping its going to kick in this week. I am symbolically crossing my fingers, since I can't cross them in reality.   

I'm feeling particularly gimpy today.  Need to clean up the house, put clean sheets on the bed in the guest room, since my daughter and SIL are coming up for the weekend.  (Hubby called them and asked for help working backstage for "42nd Street" since he didn't have enough crew people.)  I just can't manage to get much done.  I do a little and then the legs and back give out on me.  GRRR!
So I will be dogsitting while the rest of the family is at the theatre all weekend.  When my daughter brings her two dogs, we have 7 dogs in the house, LOL!  I will get to have dinner with the whole gang tomorrow night, which will be awesome.  Then hubby is in charge of breakfast Sunday morning.  Breakfast is his specialty.
I am sitting here in the computer chair listening to hubby fold clothes. I would help but my shoulders have been hurting since last night, and then sitting on in-laws couch did not help my back or shoulders any. We just got home from in-laws like 45 mins ago.
We came home early because hubby knew I was in pain. I tried to act like I wasn't, but he told me come on let's go.
So... here I am. sitting in the computer chair trying to get my courage to go to my bed and lay down. SIGH.
Leila- hope the MTX kicks in for you too- best of luck!
We have an old dog too. My son came home from college and he was like- hey how come no one told me about this big tumor the dog has! I was like- oh it's just a fatty tumor we had her to the vet- it's nothing to worry about. Fact is it looks like a darn twin is growing....

Wow- Hill- you sure have a lot of dogs to look after this weekend! I hope you have a fenced yard you can let them run around in! Do you have to cook dinner or will you be going out?
LOL joonie- listening to hubby folding clothes. What does that sound like?
Shoulder aches are the worst- they make it very hard to lie down. Can you take a nice hot shower first?
I am hoping the meds will help your son.  I am not doing to much of anything right now except for sitting feet propped up watching WifeSwap, waiting for the episode of 20/20 which sounds to be interesting. In th ebackground my little doggie want inside but he's always under my feet and I am by myself now and move slower than a turtle so he will just have to stay outside till my son gets home.  Sno- #1 son (College) is still here until Sunday. We are having a nice visit and I just love his cat.  #2 son (HS) is behaving somewhat. His wings were clipped and we took the wind out of his sails when we canceled his driving test due to poor behavior. I think he finally realized we all mean business.
your DH and me could bump heads....
What is rosemal?
mom2three- keep those legs elevated above hip level! That's what makes the swelling go down. I'm watching 20/20 right now - it is a good episode! 
No I don't have a fenced in yard - the dogs go out to pee and then come right back in.  They're very good about that.  Then they run through the whole house playing tag and hide and seek, LOL!
I will be cooking dinner tomorrow night - but haven't decided what it will be yet.  Gotta check out the freezer and see what's available.
Yep feet are way, way up.   Yes, what is Rosemal?? I am curious too. Just got back from a friend's 65th surprise birthday party.  It was so much fun and so surprising for Lorie. 
We've been packing up, getting ready to leave Mexico in 9 days.  Am looking forward to getting back to the states but also sad to be leaving.  I'm torn.  I'm planting the potted flowers and plants in my new flower garden, packing boxes, cleaning out cabinets and cupboards, and just generally doing things I don't want to do but have to do.
Karen, your dinner sounds like you'll have a wonderful time.  I'm sorry that you're not getting around well.  Did this just start or is it an old problem? 
 "I love the man but he's a packrat's packrat.  I told him I'd do it for him and he turned pale."  Snow it's just the opposite in our house.  I'm the one who pales when Stan offers to help.  We just had a little yard sale and got rid of some things that we had accumulated.  Unfortunately, the neighborhood had a yard sale so I just went and bought more from my neighbors than what I sold.  Funny how that happens.
Oh yard sales are my favorite. I love to get out to them when I can. The treasures I have found. I like to catch a good estate sale too. Great activity for a Sat. morning.  What's on 20/20?

I hope you find something in the freezer that you can put in the oven and then forget about it - since you are not feeling your best.
Lin- is it warm enough in the states to be coming back already? I know it is supposed to hit 60 on the East Coast this weekend but we will have plenty of winter coat weather left.....
Very pretty Sno!

My husband always folds the towels so they don't fit in the linen cabinet properly. AND he puts them in backwards instead of having the nice fold face front. I swear he does it just to annoy me.

Well my son was more inclined to try this approach...I think you should let me take my test and just not let me drive. This way if I need to drive in an emergency situation....
Just popping in to say night guys! Hope ya'll have a good talk. I wish I could participate more, but I am hurting and tired.... so I am going to take my Ultracets & Robaxin and lay down and watch a movie from the 80's. I wish my VCR would not eat up tapes, otherwise I would watch Dirty Harry.
Nite all!
To tell you the truth the old eyelids are wanting to close on me too ladies... G'nite Joonie, hope you feel better tomorrow!News from me:
Found out 2 days ago that hubby's job is moving us to Cali.
We leave here the 28th.
I already had my melt down day where every emotion possibly came pouring out in the form of verbal abuse and some of that cry talking where you can't really understand me.
I had to get it out of my system and so now I'm just overwhelmed and stressed, which we all know is a great combo for RA. I'm beating that bastard down with a stick though. There is too much to accomplish in too little time. And no, we don't have a place yet or know where we are going to live. That's all gonna be taken care of once we get there. FUNTASTIC, eh!
Wow, that's not much notice at all!  That is so stressful!  Did he see it coming?Night everyone. I am done for the night too.  Too tired to even stay up for 20/20. I'll record it.
Sweet dreams everyone.
Sweet dreams, Mom.
We knew we were moving just not when or where. Now we have all that. It's still insanely quick. No, it's not to soon to come back to the states.  We'll be in the southwest and Texas for a couple of months and then head north.  Night all.  LindyWow Mel. That's awful. I'm so sorry! Moving is so exhausting, even when you are able bodied. I hope you are in an ok place with your RA right now.
Do you know where in Ca you are going? I live in Ca. If you are in my general area I could give you my RDs number. I love him.
All the good chit chat happens after I go to bed! Mtx makes me too nauseous to stay up. Darn it!

Mel, you're going to be one busy woman......you know, it's kind of exciting.  When we moved from D.C. to San Francisco we had 6 weeks to sell, pack, and move.  Fortunately everything moved quickly and we were on the road in 4 weeks and decided to take 2 weeks to see this big beautiful country.  I hope this move is good for you and your family.  Have had a really busy day packing, still.  Should be finished tomorrow. 

About 6:00 p.m. I decided to wash out a bra and cotton shirt.  I put them in the bathroom sink, added  some detergent, turned on the water, and answered the door.   It was our friends stopping by and asking if we wanted to go to dinner with them;  I grabbed my purse and Stan and I hopped in their car. Two and half hours later we came home and water was running out of the RV's undercarriage.  I had left the water running in the bathroom sink.  This isn't a good thing to do in an RV.  After sopping and mopping up the water we put fans blowing on all of the floor surfaces.  The basement of the RV needed to be mopped up as well.  
With any kind of luck the wood floors won't buckle and the sub floors will be okay.  It's so hot and humid here they won't dry, but it won't be long till we're in a much dryer climate.
I have my fingers crossed.  This could turn out to be one very expensive "mind fart" and hopefully Stan will be talking to me by tomorrow.
He did say something that concerned me, but I didn't want to continue the conversation.  He mentioned that I've been forgetful, not paying attention, and kind of spacey.  Crap, I've been like that since RA hit and he's just noticing it?  Anyone else out there forgetful, inattentive, at times spacey and do stupid and moronic things?  My friends haven't said anything.  Maybe he's just mad.  I'll talk to him about it  tomorrow or the next day or maybe sometime next week.  Lindy
LinB2009-03-22 00:05:52Our neighborhood is having a big group yard sale next month. I have stuff spread out all over the house that needs to be priced. I've been dragging my feet on it.....but I need to get busy! I plan to put all the money raised toward landscaping projects this spring/summer. I'm excited about that; but dreading the sale in general. We've got tons of stuff to sale though; so it will be good I'm sure.

Last month I went down to Jacksonville NC with my DIL.  We were going to find a house for her and my son to rent for when he gets home from his deployment.  Well, we found an adorable little house, right near base, right price etc.  It was perfect.  This weekend was to be the big move.  Kristin loaded up all her stuff from her apartment in Asheville, drove it down in a uhaul, had some friends meeting her there to get all moved in.   When she got there, the house was TRASHED in the most disgusting ways.  She got her money back, but now has no place to live.  She is scrambling to find another house right now.  Thankfully my other DIL lives in the area so at least Kristin has a roof over her head.  Talk about a headache, huh?  Poor thing.

I am officially unemployed - WOOHOO!  Some may remember last fall I wanted to resign from my current position, but my supervisors asked me to stay on part-time for a while, until they could distribute my responsibilities.  This past Friday was my last day.  I must admit I'm kinda sad, because I really enjoyed my co-workers.  On the other hand, I will NOT miss the hour-long commute (and that's on a GOOD day) and the frustration of not having enough hours in the week to get through my to-do list.  I'm going to have even more time to hang out with the kids, and to take care of stuff around the house (it currently looks like we have a pet tornado).  Our pastor is very excited as well - he's busy lining up IT projects for me with our parish website and servers, instead of having to hire an outside contractor.

We are fortunate not to need my income to survive and thrive, and even when we had 0000 combined yearly income, we certainly didn't lead an extravagant life.

Congrats JR!  It is rare that one can afford that luxury, especially in this day and age.  Enjoy your freedom!!!

[QUOTE=JasmineRain]I am officially unemployed - WOOHOO!  Some may remember last fall I wanted to resign from my current position, but my supervisors asked me to stay on part-time for a while, until they could distribute my responsibilities.  This past Friday was my last day.  I must admit I'm kinda sad, because I really enjoyed my co-workers.  On the other hand, I will NOT miss the hour-long commute (and that's on a GOOD day) and the frustration of not having enough hours in the week to get through my to-do list.  I'm going to have even more time to hang out with the kids, and to take care of stuff around the house (it currently looks like we have a pet tornado).  Our pastor is very excited as well - he's busy lining up IT projects for me with our parish website and servers, instead of having to hire an outside contractor.

We are fortunate not to need my income to survive and thrive, and even when we had 0000 combined yearly income, we certainly didn't lead an extravagant life.

Aw, I'm happy for ya, Jas.  You're gonna love being a stay at home mom.  You won't regret it one bit.Snow! love the painting.. I have a bed tray and a tissue box painted like that!! 
Jas!! I am thrilled for you!!  enjoy.... I had the rare  pleasure when my four were very young (actually I worked at home..but it was perfect!!)
Wantto!  I hope all works out for younger boy.. I hope he finds that he's much more functional!  the best to you all.. enjoy your grandkitty!!
oh, LinB....... I have done that a million times.. When DH is traveling for work, my kittens sleep w/ me... and I fill DH's bathroom sink for them to drink from if they get thirsty.. so they ask me for it (by sitting on the vanity) and when I was getting into the shower I turned it on...... I completely forgot about it while I got my clothes together.. and hopped into the shower........ Luckily (cause DH would KILL me) nothing happened and it all ran into the overflow..... but I've done it more than once.. AND I did it at my Oldest daughter's shower in the bathroom of the host....... how bad is that??

I was shopping w/ my husband (we bought MP3 players for our airplane flights) and a PSP game for youngest son to use when we got to Miami in April (Easter gift I suppose) and then babysat little grandson while his mom and dad did their shopping at BJs wholesale.... All in all, a wonderful day..... Grandson has had a tough go of it lately.. In january and february he had two bouts w/ pneumonia.. he is a little preemie and this really wasn't good for him at all. He's doing great now.. If I can load up a pic I will...... He's too precious!!  There are pics on my facebook for those who go there.......

oK.. Here's the little guy:  (he has a nasal tube for feedings.. as a preemie he could not gain weight without that help)

in hysterics:
his mommys swears this wasn't staged:
Mel.. there's a good chance that could be us in the fall... It's like waiting for the other shoe to drop when the boss tells DH that we're being transferred to TX...... e know it "could" happen though.... just a matter of time?
Keep us posted on any clues you get to make it easier!!
best to you!!
Snow~ the furniture hid a lot of stuff, mold, cracks in the floor, trash, they left grime in the oven, mold in the fridge, they apparently forgot how to flush the toilet at some point before they left, and didn't seem to think it important to continue taking their dogs outside to relieve themselves. DIL sent pics.  Nasty.  I couldn't even smell it and it made my stomach turn.Wow - seems like everyone has a lot going on! I can't believe those tenants trashed the house. We're even shampooing the carpets before we go! We're out of here next Sunday morning. Our landlord will be doing a walk-through and giving us back our deposit and then we're on our way. I haven't been doing too bad RA wise, but tomorrow there's a major front coming through that may knock me on my arse. I'm keeping everything crossed hoping that it doesn't cause I don't have time to lay around. It's definitely been hard trying to pack with baby boy "helping." I tried packing his toys and everything I put in the box he took back out. Momma's little helper. ;)  There's just a ton to do and not so much time to do it in. And I should probably be doing some of that stuff instead of sitting here on the computer.
Hope you're all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day!
Tuesdays... I think I LOVE Tuesdays. and probably Thurdays. Oh those are my RD's infusion days.
Welp, off to go take pain meds & muscle relaxers.
AHA! No wonder you are loving them! Hope your pain meds/relaxers give you the relief you need!
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