Q for those w/ cervical spine issues | Arthritis Information


What was the first thing you noticed when it started to go?  Do you get relief when you correct your posture, or is the pain constant?  Do you ever have inflammation that you can see?  Is it a burning pain and does it ever feel itchy?  Is your skin numb in that area?   I have been experiencing these things for quite some time now and I'm wondering if it could be due to the RA.  Have not mentioned it to my RD and I don't want to bring it up if it's not related.  Also, sometimes it feels like something moves in there even when I'm not moving.  Almost like something has rolled over the bone.  That probably makes no sense though, it's hard to describe it. 

One more thing~ when I roll my head around like you would do to stretch your neck, I can hear it.  It crunches.
Linncn2009-03-22 10:19:43I've had cervical spine issues, but it was from degenerative discs, osteophytes, etc.  It wasn't from RA.  My first symptom was referred nerve pain in the shoulder.  The pain in the shoulder was the same regardless of movement.  Some time after, I started experiencing pain in the neck itself.  It was an aching pain and the intensity varied based on position.  The area around the C5-C6 region is numb when I touch it.
For me, when I flare in the cervical area, it is always in the C1.  It feels like it's the lower part of the skull.  It is a burning pain just like my other joints when I flare.  I never notice any swelling, but I guess that would be hard to tell in that area.
I think you should definitely tell your doc.  The whole "feels like something moves in there" would scare me.

Kween~ is that (C1) a more common spot for RA?  Mine is lower, where my neck hits my body.  I have a long neck and I think that makes one more susceptible to neck problems.  The pain is doable except while I'm at work.  It's impossible to keep correct posture just because of the sorts of things I have to do there.  I've tried taking ibu and/or vicodin before work but that doesn't help at all.    I just really hate to open this can of worms if it's just something that goes with having a long neck and being 45.  Thanks for your response.  I see my Rd in a few weeks, I guess I'll put it out there.

Yes, I think C1 is the most common spot for RA, but I have read posts by other people who have problems thoughout.  I have cervical lordosis which is a straightening of the cervical spine.  My advice is to not worry about "opening a can of worms."  I was probably your age when my neck problems started.  It definitely wasn't from age.  I doubt yours is either.

I hope you feel better soon.
I don't believe my cervical issues are RA related.... I have stenosis w/ encroachment on a nerve so I have numbness in the C4,5, 6, area...   I also have facial numbness w/ hasn't directly been attributed to this... but they "think" maybe it is invovled???  who knows... I've not had any tests except MRIs.I don't believe mine isn't related to RA either.   My stenosis is congenital and I wouldn't have even known about it if I hadn't started having pain.  1st symptom for me was also referred shoulder pain, constant pain and took about 5 months to get resolved using traction, exercises, and paying attention to my posture.  Had a MRI and the nerve conduction testing for a baseline.  For now, I just need to go back for a clinical exam every two years.  I must be something right as it hasn't bothered me much lately.   I don't have any numbness,itching or tingling, but I do have that crunching when I roll my neck or move side to side. 
I had read somewhere that it's usually C1/C2 for RA related, but that may have just been one opinion.  I'd mention it to either your RD or PCP - better to get to the bottom of it now before it causes more issues.
Hi Linc, you simply must get this checked, I am sure it is more likely degenerative changes rather than RA, but you need to  be aware if it is RA so make it a priority with your DR.  The RA if in C1 and the odontoid peg is very very dangerous and needs to be observed.  Sorry to worry you but it is very important.  best of luck Janie. 

I have Degenerative disc disease thruout my spine and experience a lot of your symptoms too, shouldders, arms, hands, finger numbness etc.  The only thing that helps me is rest and heat, can't take antiinflammatories but when I could Feldene was fantastic after a couple of days.

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