Enbrel | Arthritis Information


I have come to learn that Enbrel not only changed my life as far as RA but it also did a bit of damage in my thinking processes while on it as well.

Anybody else.

THis was started on another thread I believe.I don't understand what you mean.  How did it damage your thinking process?  ditto Linncn.

IDK what you mean.

I've found some great clarity in the months I've been taking enbrel...... me, before enbrel, was a mess.....
Stress, maybe?  We tend to blame each and every emotional and physical change on the dmards and biologics.  I'm as guilty as the next person in this regard.  Many times it's been stress or another illness completely unrelated to the meds.  It's just easy to blame them.  I find I have to look at the big picture and search for other reasons and answers.  Usually, I find it's something else causing the problems and that it can be corrected.  Take care.  Lindyhmmm All I know is when I was on Enbrel, each injection would nearly knock me out for a full day. I was llike in a huge fog and got upset easily, angered easily.

Everyone is different I suppose. Just wondering.Jode, I was on Enbrel from fall of '03 to fall of '08.  I took 2 25mg inj. a week.  The days of those injections were a snap compared to the MTX inj. days.  Those were my tired, brain fog days.  I liked the Enbrel much more that the Humira I am on now. 

But you are right, everyone is different!
Oh the Enbrel definately made all the difference in the world for me health wise.....it was just during the time I took Enbrel everything in my life fell apart...and yes, I really do attribute much of it to the medication. I Was a different person when I it then I am now.Jodejjr - Do you have fibromyalgia too? I take Enbrel and sometimes I will have a day in bed after my dose and some days not. When I am down, I am way down. As for the brain fog, I have it really bad, but never considered it being the Enbrel. I blame it on the fibro (which by the way, I was diagnosed with it in February of this year). I am also way sensitive to loud noises, and irritable, and feel overwhelmed. My gp did some blood tests and found my progesterone was low, so she prescribed a cream for me to rub into my wrists at night before bed. It seems to be helping. It's a lot to get used to, all of the "stuff". And yes, I was a different person before too, but that's okay. I am learning how to live with how things are now, and it is an amazing process. I am so impatient, and I would say that is the one thing that really stands out to me. I have to slow down, and plan ahead. Which, in the end, isn't so bad.

Hang in there, you'll make it through the rough patches and emerge stronger for them.

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