Pitty Party... Open Invitation to All | Arthritis Information


Hello all.  I have not had one of these in a while but I have hit the brick wall!  I am so fed up with my body!  The Humira weekly has not been getting me through the week, not to mention the headaches are screamming.  I am seriously thinking of dragging out  the syringes and the MTX and giving myself a shot... rashes be damned!  My pain thresh hold has just about topped out; knees are swollen... hand joints - red, hot, swollen... feet... oh hell!  Why go on with the list????

My RD is out with her new baby, I can not take pain meds and I am nauseated (3 weeks now) to boot!  Waddie, don't ever apologize for feeling bad.  Doesn't your RD have another RD covering?  Is it possible to get in to see the RD that's taking call for your RD? 

From your post it sounds as if you had a reaction to MXT.  There are other DMARDs you can take with Humira.  The combo of a DMARD and a biologic works best and she should have offered you another DMARD is you can't take MXT. 
If your headaches are that bad you should call your primary and actually he/she may prescibe another DMARD for you.  
Take care and I know the place you're in now.  It's so frustrating to think you have no control over the situation.   Lindy
LinB2009-03-24 13:20:05Thanks Lindy.  My RD is in a tiny town and has no one taking call, though she may check her e-mail... I will send her one today.  I am in between PCP's right now, mine left and I put off finding another, damnit! 

I intend to ask again about the other DMARDS, I did not understand why I couldn't take another one and asked in my last e-mail (when she upped my Humira to weekly) but did not get an answer.  Maybe the explaination was toooo loooong!

Any way, thanks for coming to the party!
Oh, Waddie love, LinB is right don't you every apologize for needing to vent. That is exactly what we do for each other.

Obviously you medication regime needs adjusting. I would be onto whoever is covering for your usual RD and getting into seeing them. You need this sorted now. 

Some practical suggestions pain wise...can you get yourself to a hydrotherapy pool or any pool? The water helps a lot with the pain.

Also, is there any way you can access a massage for yourself...also very helpful with pain.

Mentally, when I am where you are...and believe me the regulars on here know how much I have been through, I engage all of the following:
*Diaphragmatic breathing - this can reduce your pain levels
*Keep telling yourself that you will cope...out loud if you can. When you are in this much pain you have to talk your way through it.
*Do only one thing at a time.
*Realize that you are only feeling depressed because the pain is high. Pain up. Depression up. Pain down. Depression down.
*We feel completely powerless in this situation. You have to take your personal power back here. Do this by deciding what proactive steps you need to take and then just do one little bit at a time. This process can make you feel back in the driver's seat with your body and disease.
*No beating yourself up here. You will get through this. You are doing a great job of managing what you have to deal with.
*Deliberately look for the beauty and humor in life...this lifts us from that place of despair.
*Get out of the house...go and do something 'normal', something social. NO you don't feel like it, I know but do it anyway. What I find is when I take myself off away from my four walls and start talking to others. The focus on your pain decreases. And you are going to be in pain whether you are home or out. Make the effect. I always find it worth me doing.

Gosh, Waddie, I hope some of these ideas help. I have used all of them at different times and have always found them effective.

But most of all, be gentle on yourself, sweetie.

Thanks, Snow...it's amazing how when you keep telling yourself you are coping and will cope...before too long you realize that your coping levels have risen and you're doing it, and then the whole thing gains momentum. It's a simple cognitive therapy technique but it so easy and effective.  *Deliberately look for the beauty and humor in life...this lifts us from that place of despair.
*Get out of the house..
These are the things that I do and for me the humor in life is the most important.  Fortunately, my humor has sustained me through the worst of RA/PSA. 
It doesn't matter where I go, I just get out into nature.

Waddie...so sorry you're hurting so much right now. Take it easy and take care of yourself ,,,hopefully it won't last long.

Good coping strategies offered- I'll keep them in my back pocket for future pity parties of my own. Hope you are feeling at least a little bit better Waddie.  You know how RA is- it can change from bad to good just like it turns from good to bad! I'm in the pitty party too.
I cant get in for an MRI til May 12.. which means no RD til then and thus no biologics til then.
 I hurt.
OTOH  the other gramma came and took the kids for a few hours so I caught a break there.

Waddie... I'm so sorry to hear what a hard time you are having. Cordy's advice is great. Try at least one every day until you've found the ones that work best for you.

Kathy... that's a long time to wait for an MRI... how come?



Waddie...I wish I could make all of your struggles just  go away. Oh how I wish I had that power. Unfortunately we must make do and do the best we can at times even if it is a struggle at times. I do  like Cordelia's advice though. She has some really great coping strategies.  I may have to try a few myself if need be. Take care friend and remember we are all here for you. Hey Waddie -
Hugs to you and I hope you feel better soon. 
As for the headaches, I've been reading about some natural things to try.  Migraines/severe headaches can be helped with 1) magnesium (have your levels checked) 2) melatonin (which will help with the sleep cycle too and 3) B2 (know nothing about this prior to reading this on the People's Pharmacy.
I am sorry waddie. I know how it goes.
Much hugs to you! Feel better soon.

I hope today is a better day for everyone.  I am so glad you think my ideas will be useful to you. The mind stuff of this disease is big factor. I have found that literally telling myself I will cope, either out loud or quietly to myself, actually kicks in the coping process and manifests what your new belief is.

I have used this over and over again with my RA. There have been times when I couldn't get up and feed my child, and couldn't feed myself because her eating was more important than me doing so. I have practiced and experienced this working time and again when I in a despairing and hopeless space. Coupled with prayer, this is a very powerful process.


i'm right there w/ you , tho gawd nausea is the worst.. have you tried Ginger Root?
It works great on airplane flights.. and maybe could help..
Right now, i'm in a major flare, but thank gawd, not the nausea (tiny bit) and no headaches.. i take verapamil to prevent the migraines.. i swear it works really well!
ok i'm going to park on your bed, w/ my own pillows, lots of chocolate, some pizza and coke.bc i'm in the same place.. might as well share a movie or two!! and above food!!
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