Humira and Itching and such | Arthritis Information


Day 5 off of plaquenil and Arava.  Much less gas, but still the same amount of GD ITCHING!!!!!!!!

RD said if itching lasts a week, it is the Arava and I can take the drug to get it out of my system.  Have so many open scabs from itching that it can't be good with the Humira. 
I dunno if Humira is working.  My wrist hurts in new and different ways, but not as much.  Have not had an awful flare since I started, lifted a bunch of kids on Sunday and didn't pay the next day (but wrist hurts a bit now).  So gradul improvement, if that is possible?  Or I'm just between flares.  Still having the tingliness in my hand.  Sometimes after I do the treadmill one of my toes just BURNS right at the middle joint.  But it doesn't affect me all day.  Ankles are getting weird, almost unstable like I am going to tear ligaments (which I have done once while playing soccer and hope to never do again).  But feet feel better, I haven't had a noticable limp for a while.  Jaw is weird, hurting more to eat but less swollen. 
Anyway, thanks for reading, I just need to post occasionally to keep track of things.
My chest has still been bugging me though. Think its costo and heartburn...
sometimes when my inflammation reduces...... my pain increases.
I wonder.. is that a good thing?
I hope this contineus to work more and more for you Katie!
Yeah, mine is the same way as Babs. My left ankle hurts more when there is a decrease in inflammation, as well as in my right wrist. It just hurts in different places than when the inflammation is there. It usually feels more like bone on bone pain or grinding. Well today it is raining and it is getting to my wrist and elbow.
BUT I emailed my RD again (YAY technology!) and he has prescribed Questran to get rid of all the Arava in my system and hopefully stop all the itching.  I dunno if the Arava was doing anything to begin with, and I am excited to have one less pill to take!  I need to ask if I can stop folic acid now or should continue.  And I hate what the plaq does to my stomach (still) so hopefully he won't make me do that again.  But I don't know if he really wants to do Humira alone.  MTX did next to nothing, same with Arava, but I guess the combinations can work...
I have to drink a packet of something three times a day for 7 days...jeesh!

Sometimes the lack of swelling makes your muscles work differently. They have to adjust to the difference. Maybe that is all that is going on. I hope.

As for the itching I hope it goes away soon. Try not to worry to much. The doctors will figure out what is best for you.

I honestly understand about the Plaqunil. I was going over past reactions with a new doctor. I did not actually get a rash from it but I had so many other issues I just am not interested in trying it again.

Keep us posted.
