Mouth Sores | Arthritis Information


A couple of days ago, I noticed a spot that was really sore in my mouth.  I thought I ate something hot and burned my gum.  Now, it's worse and I've noticed it's starting on the other side as well.

I'm not on MTX.  Can the Enbrel cause this too?  If so, what gets rid of them?  Do I have to stop the Enbrel?
Hi Kween!

I can't answer your question but have some suggestions about the sores.  I posted on another of your threads about magnesium in relationship to migraines and when I looked for it again, there were other things that help with migraines and mouth sores.  Vitamin B2 might help and buy you some time. 
Edited to add link -
Pip!2009-03-25 07:10:07Thanks, Pip! I have alot of trouble with mouth sores but I am on MTX but Dr. took me off because of it but I am on Orencia and I still had mouth sores so am back on MTX . He gave me a perscription for miracle mouthwash and kenalog orabase which really helps when it is bad. I also take folic acid. It is a very painful and dibilitating problem I know it can be as bad as the joint pain. I don't want to eat or talk and keeps me awake at night so I hear your pain. Hope you can find something to help you along.  Good luck .. LauraI know Lupus is famous for mouth sores... the disease (with no meds). So, I'm wondering, can RA cause it too (unrelated to meds)?
When my daughter was little, she caught a virus I called foot & mouth disease after the animal: hoof & mouth disease (probably not a very nice thing for a mom to say!). She had  a fever and horrible sores in her mouth. I made up a rinse out of milk-of-magnesium and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). She didn't like it when using it (probably because of the bubbles of hydrogen peroxide) but she said it worked and the sores did heal. Of course, that was due to a virus, which eventually goes it's course and ends.
I use a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide to both prevent and heal and always keep a bottle of OTC Gly-Oxide on hand for _out breaks_.

I have also have success in tamping down the mouthsore beast by rinsing, as CathyMarie suggests, a liquid anti-acid: after all an ulcer is an ulcer regardless of its location, say eh?

Best wishes, Shug
