diet | Arthritis Information


I've read that diet can have a  big influence on RA.   Wondered if anyone could point me in the direction of diet tips on this board or if anyone could give me any  indications about  diet.     I have read that cutting out  tomatoes,  bell  peppers,  potatoes can be good for RA but I haven't tried it and also wondered if anyone had?    anna

there are lots of posts on here about diet... try the search feature and see this site for more info. 

Also - this is a good site for anyone... got the link to it from this site also of course.  see:

It takes a while to load the site, but its worth it.  Great site for helping people navigate through the mad amount of info out there... some bad and some good.  People will always try to sell... remember that too... reports about diet continually say there is not an affect on RA... and many that have had it for years like me say the same thing.  I tried it all, believe me!

good luck!

thanks for your reply.
