Rituxan + - | Arthritis Information


Rituxan-not quite sure what to make of the med.

I promise...this will be the last whiny post.....
Saw the PT today for yet another day of jaw torture.  That would be a whole post in itself!  Anyway, I have been incredibly sore these last few days.  Only joint that she could readily see was my elbow which she said was very swollen.  She also thinks this rt. side jaw issue is cause the RA is active.  She asked when I was due for my next infusion but it isn't until July.  I was under the assumption that it was working and that anybody would be in a flare after being knocked out 3 times since Nov.  She doesn't really agree.  She thinks yes-the jaw should be inflammed, but not the other joints.  She feels that the rituxan is not working.  I have really truly been miserable....like awful miserable.  Whenever I hurt, I get queasy-or even get sick.  Fun trait...even as a kid.  I would break a bone and...blech...who needs an xray???  The past 3 nights I have been waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning feeling awful.  I have been getting sick numerous times-that feels great on the jaw.  Lying down makes the jaw throb.  I take pain meds before hand but obviously the wear off.  This morning I ended up just sitting in the shower for over an hour.  I was finally able to keep a percocet down.  If the other joints weren't so achy, I would sleep in the recliner.  Either way, sleeping is not working.  I just hate the thought of having to take pain meds regularly.  I just need to-I know.  I ended up getting sick at work today cause I was giving the kids notes.  I tend to walk around the room-I can't help but get animated.  So, knees, elbows, jaw, chest were all throbbing.  I did manage to make it through the class but then it was all over.  Luckily, I only got sick once before I was able to keep a pain pill down.  I guess I was just atributing all this to the surgery and the stress on the body.  But, maybe the Rituxan isn't the drug for me.  I have only had those 2 doses.  Of course, I have done up the entire ladder, so I would have to go back down.  Dr. said that was always an option-but kinda implied it wouldn't be a wise choice.  The other meds allowed my jaw to get to the point it is now.....
Oh well....My best friend is coming to visit/cheer me up this weekend.  I promised her I wouldn't really clean but I do at least need to break out the Swifer!!!
And....American Idol is on---that makes life better automatically.
Hi Rebecca, You have really gone thru the wringer, I feel so bad for you.  You are like me, my next dose of Rituxan will be July too, saw GP this morning as all joints are flaring and ESR is gone up again, it may be too early for us yet, I had my first in Feb and you more than likely did too if you are due again in July, its 6 monthly here in Aus.  Have a look at Rituxan posts as there are a few of us on it and Cordy and Bodak and Lev are all good at giving advice about it, maybe read some of my posts as we may have similar questions, best of luck, Janie.  I know it is hard to stay positive but hang on in there and I hope your Jaw improves soon,hugs. 


Oh, Rocck... I don't know how you can possibly work with all that going on!
I was wondering, can you take suppositories for the nausea at least at night?
Ask your Dr asap!
It'll have to be ok with your other meds, but there are several to choose from.
I'm sending hearts across this mysterious, invisible net somebody invented!!
I see my RD on Monday.  I haven't see him since Dec.  I started the Rituxan at the end of Jan so this is the followup to see how it is going.  I'll talk to him if I am still having this cray pain issue.  Tonight I am going to set my alarm for 2:00 and will get up to take something.  Hopefully this will work. 
I just hate not knowing which med is the best.  Sometimes it feels like such a gamble.  I know you guys understand.  I honestly don't feel like switching meds is the answer right now since there is so much other stuff going on.  And of course, there is always the question-is this as good as it gets????
So sorry things are so rough for you. You are really hanging in there! Prayers going up that you get some respite tonight. ((((Roccky))))  I know you don't like to take pain meds, but you really don't have much choice at the moment.   If you can control the pain then  you have some quality of life back.  Pain affects you emotionally and physically.  You just need to take enough pain medication to take the edge off the pain.  That will usually make it possible for you to function better. 
Any possibility of increasing MXT or take a burst pack to try and get the flare settled down?  Sometimes our fear of pain meds make the disease more pronounced and hard to deal with. 
I'm so sorry that Rituxin hasn't helped but if I remember correctly someone else on the forum didn't get relief until after the 3rd infusion.  Take care.  Lindy   
Rocckyd so sorry for all you are going through.  Maybe the medicine is just going to take some time to work for you. I hope that all things will work out for good for you and soon.

I'm sorry you're going through so much right now.  Keep telling yourself it's only temporary..it will pass.  That might help you get through this.   It seems like my luck has somehow come through and rubbed off on you somehow.  I just had my 4th remicade infusion yesterday and other than my ear hurting like hell I feel no different than before I started it.  The nurse there told me to ask about Rituxan next time I see the doc and that they use it a lot there and had nothing but good things to say about it.  I can't help it, I just can't work past the PML concerns I have with this drug. 

Have you had anything major in the way of side effects...I mean other than the jaw thing?
Much hugs to you.
PT = Pain & Torture
Darn, woman, you have had more than a slightly bad few months and you deserve to whine!

I cannot even begin to imagine all you have to shoulder with this disease, then add your child and job and I am completely in awe of your fortitude.

I *think* having your friend to keep you company will be good medicine.

Best wishes, Shug
Hey Rocky
hang in there with the rituxan...I've been through 4 cycles and with each cycle gain more control.  We stuck with the rituxan because I was out of choices.  Depending on your disease activity you may be one who needs at least another cycle before you really see anything

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