to everyone: quackwatch site, good one! | Arthritis Information


This is a good site for anyone... got the link to it from this site also of course.  see:

It takes a while to load the site, but its worth it.  Great site for helping people navigate through the mad amount of info out there... some bad and some good.  People will always try to sell bogus info or "cures" at the expense of people like us who want relief and some answers.  If there is even a hint at a cure or treatment, its going to be on the news and on these sites online.  They will be the first to say it... not somebody who writes a book. Its always best to stick to the sites or organizations that are colleges or specifically for arthritis like the A. Foundation, etc.  This site is good too... but they do have ads on the side that are there to help pay for this site, they arent "approved" for content as with any other site... just use your common sense about those...they are everywhere, but easy to spot once you get the feel for it.  I have tried it all from diet to herbs and have always been one for the natural way... but RA cant be messed with or it can get out of control like mine.  I respect the meds we have and am a bit nervous about them like we all are... but its the best have and its SOOO much better than what our grandparents and parents had... which was pretty much nothing. 

good luck!

A good site. Had I read the information about chiropractors before one conned me into spending 00 on a series of treatments to 'cure' my arthritis I would be wiser rather than wiser and poorer. The chiropractor caught me at a low point at a Mind Body Spirit festival here in Australia and told me during a free complimentary consultation and evaluation that my pain would disappear after a few treatments and that if I signed up for a series of treatments I would get a 25% discount. Within two weeks I realised I had been conned but had already paid the money for the series of treatments lasting over a year. When there was no improvement after a year of treatments I was urged to pay 00 for another series of treatments but I declined. What happened to me was almost exactly the sort of thing described in some of the articles at the site.


wow... my heart goes out to ya... I had a terrible thing like that happen with a chiropractor once here too... he was terrible and hurt my neck but I had signed up for the treatments and had to pay him a few thousand!  THat was nuts.  I did find one that was good and my insurance payed for him... and he didnt have that kind of scam of a time contract.  Good ones wont do that. But my RA got too bad and I didnt want to chance the neck adjustments anymore, so  I stopped going.  Some regular doctors are trained to adjust the spine if needed... that is what I would do if I had to... but I will avoid it if I can. 

Where there is pain or disaster, there will always be someone there waiting to cash in on it... its a sad and cruel world that way!  Education is alwasy the best tool.


