Inflammation affecting weight | Arthritis Information


Hey all-sorry I haven't been around as of late.  It's the busy time of year around here, and we had a hideous virus run through the house. 

My right foot is the only part of me that hints at the RA hiding beneath the meds.  It tends to always be in varying degrees of swelling and pain.  After some extra swelling last week, it is doing better than ever seemingly out of the blue.  Both feet are fitting in my shoes so much better first thing in the a.m.  Here's the weird part...all of a sudden my jeans are fitting so much better.  They had been extra tight as of late, I assumed to decreased activity over the winter.  Nothing in my diet or execise has changed.  About a month ago my RD had me add an extra MTX pill...did it finally kick in?  And does this mean I had like general body inflammation? I know chances are slim that anyone else has experienced the same thing, but I guarantee you all will have better info than my doc! Missed you La- but not so much anymore-I'm so jealous!
Extra prednisone and MTX has me blowing up. By the end of the day you should see how my belly inflates.  My salt cravings I cave in to are sure to be part of the blame but I just can't tell my self no to it or cookies when I take 10 mgs.
Glad your family is over the virus and that you are doing well!
Well, to be clear here...I'm not talking massive amounts of inflammation.  Probably what would equate to like 2 lbs.  I wear a slim boot cut type of jean, so you add that amount and it's like get out the crisco to get me in my jeans!
I did not really notice it much, until the Remicade nurse pointed out that I had lost 5lbs, back when I had a couple of good months of meds working like they should. I have been keeping up with it every since. Kinda weird how one month I can be almost 8lbs heavier and then a month later be 8lbs lighter. It is strange.

Hi TheLa!

When I am in good shape w/ inflammation.. I do lose about 5....  but I would need alot of 5's to make a dent right now.....
