OT Seagull trauma | Arthritis Information


Tuesday I had gotten some groceries and unloaded them on the curb.  Some seagulls hang around the apartment.  As soon as I left the groceries for a minute, THE SEAGULLS CAME AFTER THE GROCERIES!!!!!  I talked to Animal Control.  She said they are scavengers and go after food so will be careful in the future!!!   AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!that would so creep me out..Buckey-

It SOOOO creeped me out too!!!
Like in "Finding Nemo"..... "Mine...Mine minemineminemine" THEY GOT NOTHING!!!!  A nice neighbor shooed them away.
Bold and arrogant.  They got my clams at Ivers in Seattle and managed to scatter them all over the floor and they ate every crumb.....baaaaad birds.  LindyVERY BAD BIRDS!!I like them, lol..........but I don't feed them at the beach as I don't like if they sh*t on my stuff, lol.........and I do not keep any food laying out.  Sorry you had a bad experience. You mean these bad ol boys... actually, not this type of gull, tis the other ones that take the food out of your hand. I must have one of them somewhere.
Bodak2009-03-27 11:39:26Awesome Stephen.......I love that picthe picture is great, seagulls are a total pain....they will grab food right out of your hand!!!!!!!!
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