OT Anti-seagull Society | Arthritis Information


  I love seagulls and go to the beach constantly to take photos of them.

They have a nice life, hanging at the beach, resting on the water......
I'm not anti seagull, I just consider them to be baaaad birds.  They have their good side and their bad side, sort of like humans.  When they're good they're beautiful and graceful but when they're bad, they're bad!!!!  I got annointed by not one, but two gulls on the golf course.  Everyone was howling with laughter but me.  It was so bad I had to go shower, clean my clothes and shoes.  Now that was baaaad birds.  LindySeagull Story:  BF was feeding them potato chips from the stern of the boat.  They were getting rambunctious and he found that one of his fingers was bleeding.
Later that day he worried about all kinds of "seagull germs" so went to the ER and told the doc that a seagull bit him.
Doc asked three other people there if seagulls had teeth.
When I heard the story I almost fell over laughing.  Beware of the seagulls!

AnnWell, I heard on the news that African honey bees had made nests in homes in San Diego County and bitten several people, not nice, so I guess the seagulls aren't as bad as some!!!!   As someone said, nature is not always like a Disney film.Oh Jan, and here am I trying to bring love into the world.
[QUOTE=Bodak]Oh Jan, and here am I trying to bring love into the world.[/quote]

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this.

I try to remember that usually I am the interloper in the natural world and that very often the bad behaviour of animals, birds, insects, ... is a reaction to my presence. It may seem personal, but it isn't and even Africanized bees in full-swarm are acting defensively, not offensively. I certainly have no desire to encounter a colony, but they are around this part of the country in great numbers.

Love the photo, Stephen!

And now for something completely different:
i'M WITH YOU ON THE PELICANS!!  Like dive bombers!!! omg, i love them, but if they came after my ice cream cone i'd be pissed, lolYou make me laugh. Seagulls are nice by the ocean, but if they come after your food, THEY ARE BAD,
I talked to an animal behavior expert and she said to either spray them with water or blow a whistle to get rid of them.  Will try that.  GOOD IDEAS.
Fabulous photo, Stephen!

We went camping on the beach (once!) and the kids and I thought the seagulls were absolutely hysterical the way they swooped in, mob-fashion, when we attempted to eat our first meal there.

But the humor quickly changed to something evil. Ended up we couldn't keep those damned birds out of anything! And the poop! Good gawd at the poop. It was coming down like rain.

(Yeah, at least it wasn't pelicans--man, can those things drop a load or what!?! I have to laugh at myself. I read this thread and wrote a long diatribe about how much I hate it when people feed gulls near me then they're all over you. Then I ranted about how much I hate deer for a while, eating my garden plants, everyone thinks they're so damned lovely, and I shoot at them with a pellet gun when they come in my yard.

I came back today to see if anyone got upset over my hating deer, and apparently I thought better of it and deleted the whole thing! Well, I must be feeling feisty today because I'm writing it again, and this time I'm posting it.

Around here the great nemesis is cute, fuzzy little bunnies.  They like to nibble at the flower gardens.   Why wouldn't they?  They're animals.  If someone set up a buffet in my home, I would think it's for me.  I say, bon appetite'!!Ok... soooo... no one has seen the movie "Birds"? It is almost as bad as "Cujo"!Snow, what mean coons you have!  That would scare the hell out of me if they rushed my door!  Around here they run when they see a human.  I've got two outside cats (strays that showed up and became my own) and if I don't remember to put away their food by 5 minutes after dark, the coons clean it out.  I'm seeing a trend here...that anything that steals something of MINE becomes a species I dislike.  There are hundreds of acres around me where they can find their own dang food, like the wild animals they're supposed to be.

We have occasional possums that eat the cat food too.  However, my cats would sit and watch them from two feet away.  With the raccoons, the cats disappear.  I do admit though, that in summer every year, we'll get a few nights where a litter of half-grown raccoons show up.  When you turn on the light and holler at them, it's like the keystone cops!  They run around chirping in mindless startlement, bumping into each other, the walls, and on one memorable occasion one fell into my patio pond. 
lol! That's when I realized my big 'tough-guy' cats were actually a couple of sissies--too chicken to run off a danged ol' 'possum, who was up on their porch, casually eatin' all their food. Disgraceful, it was.

Snow, your Rolling Stones comparison--omg, that is too funny.

The last night-time commotion we had around here involved coyotes. At least two were carrying on right outside my living room window. I jumped up to go to the door to see what was going on (at first didn't know--never had coyotes right in the yard like that before). Anyways, just as I opened the door to look out, two of them ran across the driveway, maybe 15 feet from where I was standing. Scared the hell out of me.
My instant reaction was to scream, slam the door, and quickly lock it.

Yep, I actually locked the door. Ya know, in case the coyotes were to try the knob.....
I love going down to the lake and watching the gulls. There's always someone down there feeding them - some of those birds are so fat I don't know how they fly! I should rename this the Anti-Seagull-who-is-after-my-food Society.  I have no issue with seagulls who are near the ocean looking for fish!!!!!Don't worry Jan, I can fully understand how pesky they can be. This winter our bird feeders were host's to deer,ducks,turkey's and of course birds. Seagulls do pass over as we are not far from the ocean. We enjoyed every minute of it.  We live in a little village surrounded by neighbors, so as you can tell, we do not live in the wilderness.  Now, we are bothered by skunks!  Yuk! I got the number of the Wildlife hotline to call for wildlife nuisances. Will see what they say. [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]I should rename this the Anti-Seagull-who-is-after-my-food Society.  I have no issue with seagulls who are near the ocean looking for fish!!!!![/QUOTE]

The ones down at Lake Michigan are french-fry fiends.  They're addicted to McDonald's - they'll even pick apart the bags and wrappers looking for a morsel of junk food!  And they are the fattest gulls I've ever seen.  Some of them waddle more like ducks!
They hang around fast food places looking for food and are a NUISANCE.   When people started voluntarily feeding them I think it spoiled them from going after fish as they are supposed to so now they are a nuisance at alot of places.  Lin said they went after and ate her food at a restaurant. [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]They hang around fast food places looking for food and are a NUISANCE.   When people started voluntarily feeding them I think it spoiled them from going after fish as they are supposed to so now they are a nuisance at alot of places.  Lin said they went after and ate her food at a restaurant.[/QUOTE]

I agree - the gulls down at the lakefront are too fat and lazy to go catch their own dinner anymore.  There are signs up warning people not to feed them, but of course everyone thinks "just this once" will be OK.[QUOTE=SnowOwl][QUOTE=Linncn]Around here the great nemesis is cute, fuzzy little bunnies.  They like to nibble at the flower gardens.   Why wouldn't they?  They're animals.  If someone set up a buffet in my home, I would think it's for me.  I say, bon appetite'!![/QUOTE]
Nature is not a Disney cartoon, but it can occasionally seem like one.  We had to take down the feeder station we set out on our deck last year for the summer because raccoons moved in and took over, ran off the cats, we tried to be philosophical and assumed they'd share, but nope, it just escalated.  We looked out one night to see what was causing such a ruckus and there were seven raccoons sprawling drunkenly in the moonlight, squabbling, stuffing their faces noisily, walking on the railing, basically throwing a party out there that'd do the Rolling Stones on a hotel bender proud.  We flipped on the deck light and banged on the window and three raccoons rushed at us, bit at the screen, banged on the other side of the window, yikes.  Next morning the deck was covered in raccoon poo, I dismantled the feeder, hosed everything off and yelled, "Kitchen's CLOSED!" to the surrounding brush.  They haven't been back, and I've tentatively been putting out small dishes of dry cat food during bad weather again this winter for the neighborhood outdoor kitties.
Great photo, Stephen.
snow....... have I ever told you that I love you?
You need to write professionally if you don't do it already!!  Your stories are ALWAYS great reads!!
Yes, Nature is not always a Disney cartoon.Snow.. you have to make your wings bigger than the goose's ......  spread 'em wide and go after the bird!  they'll run...  and you'll look hysterical 
I can't stand the Canadian Geese.......... my DOGS LOVE to roll in it......  deep black and smelly ..... yech!!!

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