How Connected Are You to Your Doctor? | Arthritis Information

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I have a short story to tell in relation to this...I do go to a group of internists as my PCP... but see one in particular...
In 1992 I had been sick all week with severe stomach pain and vomiting and had not sought a doc's opinion thinking it was a "bug"..then my friend told me I looked horrible and green!!!  SO, I called the doc I used in the group.. he quickly ascertained it was probably my appendix.... sent me right to the hospital emergency where they discovered I had a ruptured appendix and was suffering w/ peritonitis all through my body  and I was operated on the following morning after a round of antibiotics ... It was discovered my appendix had ruptured almost two days before!!
That said... I do not go to any other PCP in that group.. when I do, I am treated like everyone else.. but this doc knows that I had withstood that pain.. have a high threshold of pain.. and am not a whiner........ and treats me accordingly..
I am not so much connected to my RD as I have been a patient of his for along time an during my times away he has always allowed me to be his patient. He is a good RD and those are hard to find.

My PCP her eis very good as well. I can typically get an appt. right away when ill and that is really good. But that is about it, we don't email or anything like some people here do. IT is strictly Dr. Patient relationship.

HE understands me and knows my case well so that makes a huge difference. I am so weary of going through my story of illness and RA! I am VERY connceted to my PCP as this time around shows.  she knows me, and knows I wont complain until I am SICK.
 it helps that this is a very small town and we've known our drs etc as freinds as well as patients for 25 years.
I've had their kids stay over night here and vice versa..
WE were like Kathy with our Pediatrician...a good friend. time does, the kids are all grown now, divorces and geography.....haven't spoken to him in years.