I am going to let ya'll know | Arthritis Information


I had a wonderful day, Saturday!

I did not go to sleep until around 8am. I kept laying awake and did not really feel tired. I woke up hubby around 6am and told him let's go yard saling. But it was thundering and lightning out. So... I laid in bed for another 2 hours before falling asleep from bordom.
I slept all day. I only got up twice to go pee.
Funny part... I had no pain and could sleep how I wanted to!
The Remicade is working! YAY!!
I was in a fibro flare Friday. I hurt to sit, lay, stand, whatever it hurt. I have not slept well since my infusion, then Saturday... I slept the best ever!
My mommy even said I sounded like I felt better and I was more chipper.
I had some swelling in my joints from all the rain we were getting, but that has all went away. I guess flares do go away on their own, sometimes.... just not some of my flares do.
Well... I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL DAY!! I am hoping I will continue to have some wonderful days!
I like how the Remicade works, just need to get the times between infusions right and I will be set.
I'm always so happy to hear you are feeling well Joonie! May it continue you for a long long time!

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a good movie!
Way to go Joonie!!!   WOO HOO JOONIE - its always great to read of good progress with our fellows!  Keep on going !!! CathyGreat news Joonie I am so happy for you. Hope this will last for a long while. Oh and One Flew Over the Cukoo's  Nest is one of my favorites too. Enjoy it. I'm so glad for you Joonie.
The funny thing? As sick as I've been this week, my joints aren't hurting at all. I mean like 10 years ago before the first  flare...
Well... today was another Wonderful day!
MIL asked me how I was and I told her "wonderful!" She said well that is Good. I said yep.
So... I FINALLY got to use my "Wonderful!" reply and it was not even used to be mean to anyone Hope you have many more!  very good Joonie!Joonie, you deserve  a break... I hope it's a very long one!

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