OT-New bed!!! | Arthritis Information


FINALLY!!!!  We are having a new mattress delivered tomorrow! I am soooo excited!

I have been sleeping on an extra firm mattress for 3 years now and it has done a number on me so we got a simmons pillow top today!
I also got a pillow which I would recommend to anyone. I only tried it out at the store, but I know it is going to be awesome. It is made from latex. It's soft but yet it holds its shape. 
The best part is the salesman gave it to us for free for buying the bed.  
I can't wait until tomorrow night. I have never  been this excited for a mattress.
Lets hope it lives up to the expectations! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
cah14182009-03-29 18:38:41Oh I remember when I got my new bed a couple of years ago! OMG! I slept SOOOO GOOD for a week. I never want to leave my bed, because I love it so, but I do get up and roam around and go out, but I always make sure I look at it and think "I will be back to lay in you later! Will miss you while I am gone!"
No really... my bed is #1 on my favorite things list. My pillow is #2 and my laptop is #3!
I really love my bed. I spent a lot of money on my bed. My hubby thought I was a loon. But like I told him at the time. I spend a lot of my time in my bed. Well... more back then, as compared to now.
My other bed had a BIG sag in the middle from where hubby broke the bed in. I like to sleep on the very edge of the bed. And in the old bed I would be lope-sided... like on a hill and I had to struggle to keep from rolling to the middle to the dip. But if hubby was not in the bed I would lay in the dip.
This bed has no dip! WOOHOO!! I lay down and do not move, unless I move LOL!
I know how it is to be so excited about a new bed. I have been there!
I hope yours lives up to your standards, just like mine has!
Thanks snow!  My husband really wanted to get a memory foam mattress (I think because he used to work at a foam company)  but I thought they felt just as firm as the one we have now. We have one in our guest room, but it feels much softer than temperpedic or the sealy one. We got it for free from his company when he worked there. It was cut wrong so it is in between a double and a queen. We wouldn't be able to  use it as our bed.  I hope we made the right decision!

 I hear ya Joonie! My bed at my parents house used to be my favorite thing. I really hope I have that same feeling again. We spent some money too, so I hope it lasts for a good while.  I think thats why I got a free 70$ pillow. LOL Goodness I had no idea good beds were so expensive!

I am glad you love your bed!
Well... to tell you the truth my current pillow, has moved down to the #3 spot. I do not like my pillow. It is one of those pillows from wal-mart. I at one time was bent on spending a lot of money on a good pillow. But I got the the stores and a pillow just did not seem like it was any better than the ones from wal-mart. I need a pillow that does not go flat LOL! Maybe a pillow that you can pump full of viagra to the right firmness.
Sorry... heheheheeeee! The weather channel corrupted my brain with viagra and cialis and natural male enhancement commercials. WHo would have thought those kinds of commercials would be on te weather channel?!

The new mattress was delivered yesterday.  I didn't have the peaceful nights sleep like I thought I would. :(

When the bed came I thought they brought the wrong one. It wasn't nearly as soft as the one in the store. DH said it was because it wasn't broken in so we both jumped on it for a while and that seemed to help. But still, it doesn't feel like the store.
Do you think it will break in? I hope so!
oh honey.. I hope so...
I feel your disappointment...
maybe you will adjust in time to the bed...  ??
best of luck in that.
babs I really really hope so! I know they said if we bought the temperpedic it would take a little while to get used to so I am hoping that is the case here. I might be so used to tossing and turning that I need to fix myself.
The pillow is wonderful!!  Seriously I would recomend this pillow to anyone who has neck or shoulder issues.
Here is a link to the pillow if you want to check it out. I know I am never going to have a different pillow. This is it for me! http://www.rejuvenite.com/index.php?did=6  ( I like the part about how it is different from memory foam becasue it bounces back instantly)
I sound like a car salesman! hahaha But seriously, I know how hard it was for me to find a pillow that worked with my neck and shoulders since I am a side sleeper.  I hope it might help one of you.
Give it some time, and hopefully the two of you will grow on each other, LOL.
If it is still too hard, you might want to try one of the memory foam toppers - get one at least 3 or 4 inches thick, and I think you will find it much more comfy.
CAH- I remember my new bed feeling harder than in the store too. In fact it felt like a rock! I hated it. I wasn't thrilled to begin with because my husband likes a hard bed and I agreed on it to please him. However it did break in and even I love it now! I think it took a couple of months.[QUOTE=cah1418]Here is a link to the pillow if you want to check it out. I know I am never going to have a different pillow. This is it for me! http://www.rejuvenite.com/index.php?did=6  ( I like the part about how it is different from memory foam becasue it bounces back instantly)
I sound like a car salesman! hahaha But seriously, I know how hard it was for me to find a pillow that worked with my neck and shoulders since I am a side sleeper.  I hope it might help one of you.
i like that it is made in america
I love that pillow!!  I'll see how much money I spend in Florida!! 
Now... I have to come up with mulah for that pillow! Oh I know... my b-day is coming up soon... so maybe I will tell everyone that is what I want and they can all give to the pillow cause
Oh and I have decided that my current pillow has dropped to the #4 spot on my favorite things list. My heating pad has now been raised to the #3 spot. Sorry... pillow... but you suck!
Let me know if any of your get it!
At mattress firm it is 70 dollars but I would pay more for it because that is how much I love it. Well I really didn't pay for it since it was free, but if I was going to pay for it, I would pay more. :)
[QUOTE=Hillhoney]Give it some time, and hopefully the two of you will grow on each other, LOL. It's funny Jas... we used to have a memory foam topper on our other mattress and the mattress was soooo hard that the memory foam just got compacked down! We had to throw it away! There was no give under the foam so the foam broke down. That is how hard our mattress was.
I am sure on top of this pillow top mattress it would feel so good. Too bad the other one got ruined!
[QUOTE=cah1418]It's funny Jas... we used to have a memory foam topper on our other mattress and the mattress was soooo hard that the memory foam just got compacked down! We had to throw it away! There was no give under the foam so the foam broke down. That is how hard our mattress was.
Now I get jergens and biore products! :) I like that much better!

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