bad things come in threes what's next | Arthritis Information


This afternoon my SIL called to say they think my MIL had a mini stroke. She lives out of state. She is 85 and has always been very with it. My SIL was visiting there this weekend. They went out last night and all was well. This AM when she woke up MIL was still sleeping and it was 8 AM very unusual. She opened her door and found her snoring so she thought maybe she was just tired but when she did get up she was very disoriented. She did not have her teeth in and she asked what my SIL was doing there. Then she starting looking for her teeth under the bird cage. They took her blood sugar and BP which were fine. So they took her to the hospital. She regained her coherence and does not have any residual symptoms. The hospital said at her age it could be a mini stroke or brain tumor so they did a cat scan. Negative. They will do some more tests.
I got off the phone and went to email my kids the news. Before I could even sign on the phone rang. It was my brother. He had a heart attack this morning. They did a heart cath and found two blockages so they did angioplasty. Today is his 58th birthday. Happy flippin birthday!
On the way to the hospital all my joints began to ache.....
HI WTBF, I am sorry to hear your bad news, I truly hope it will all go away soon, and you will have better painfree days - best of luck, Janie. I am sorry to hear of all this news wannabe. I will pray for you & your family.

Much hugs to you.
Thanks so much! I think I'm going to go to bed now and get some extra rest and say some extra prayers myself...

You and your family are in my prayers as well. You are very smart to get rest and take care of yourself, more now than in regular times.


Sorry for all that has been going on. I will say a prayer for you and your family tonight. Get some rest and take care of yourself too, especially now that you need it.
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]He had a heart attack this morning. They did a heart cath and found two blockages so they did angioplasty. Today is his 58th birthday. Happy flippin birthday!


In a weird, twisted sort of way, it sounds like he got a great birthday present!  He survived the heart attack, got angioplasty instead of bypass surgery, and was well enough to use the phone by day's end. It could have been much worse.nothing like getting kicked while you were still down! 
Your brother is lucky as Jas says... he's here!!
Has MIL ever been disoriented before? forgotten important things? Sadly, she could be in the beginning stages of Alzheimers.. I hope not.. hope it was an isolated incident...
get your rest..dont' focus on your aches...I hope they go away too..
Geez, fun way to end a weekend.  I always feel like the moment things seem to be going smoothly, that's when the s**t hits the fan. feet are super swollen this a.m. - what the hell!?  That lasted long!
I'll check in to see if you all get more info/news.  Hang in there.
Your family and you are in my thoughts and empathise. It seems as if everyone if being taken care of, so the important thing is to take care of yourself. IIRC you are taking a corticosteriod, but it has been my experience that under that much emotional stress a burst-and-taper series can literally be a body saver.

Best wishes, Shug " Bad things come in 3's "   HHHMM well lets see, Obama,Reid,Pelosi........Thanks all- I'm doing well. I'm famous for not having time to be sick because too many people need me and I stay well.
My MIL is having an EKG, EEG and MRI today so she will be in the hospital for another night I think. That's good I think- my SIL had to go home today for work tomorrow so she would be alone.
My bro called me before I had a chance to call him today because I'm having a busy, stressful day at work. Right out of his mouth was him asking if I had told my mom yet because she did not call or send him a birthday card. I feel bad for him but he did not call or send her a birthday card for her 80th birthday last year. I told her last night he said that and she is stubborn. She says it hurts doesn't it? That's how I felt. Well I don't like to be in the middle of this but I have a BIGGGGGGG mouth! So when he said I think mom is mad at me because of this- I said I think mom didn't send the card because you didn't send her a card. Then he tried to say he sent one late but if he did she never got it because she was very very hurt and told me so. Now I'm not so sure I should have just let him talk and not say anything...
He says he is feeling pretty good. he did have 2 stents put in, they said they will probably keep him 4 days and he hasn't seen the dr. yet. The nurse told me yesterday he would go to step down today for 2 days and then home. I don't know - he's still in CCU. He was waiting for lunch- says he's starved so that's a good sign.
Yes I do think it was lucky that he had the kind of heart attack that he could live through and have less invasive corrections for.  However he is bad about following healthy habits so he could do himself in anyway. He has cancer and is insulin dependant diabetic also and he still smokes and eats carelessly.
