Kidney Function test results | Arthritis Information


For the first time in all of these years I've had a Kidney Function (creatinine?) test come back elevated. The note my doctor sent said he'd re-evaluate at next visit. Must not be too serious; but then again it does concern me. My next visit isn't for 3 months.

Who has expereince with any sort of kidney trouble since being on these medications?

[QUOTE=Lovie]Who has expereince with any sort of kidney trouble since being on these medications?[/QUOTE]
Hi Lovie. At my last appointment my RD had me stop all NSAIDS secondary to some escalating kidney involvement. I did not know just how much those prescription strength non-steroidals were doing until about the fifth day off of them and WHAAAAMM I felt as if I had been run over by that proverbial truck.

Over the weekend I was Rx'd a burst and taper prednisone and on this, the second day, am starting to gain some pain relief, however I cannot help but wonder at the effect those are having on my kidneys...

I am scheduled to visit the vampire folk tomorrow for another set of blood tests and to pick up a container for a 24-hour urine. I will be having weekly blood tests until the creatine returns to normal.

Although synovial fluid is the primary concentrator of NSAIDS, because they reduce prostaglandins they can affect the kidneys.

I hope your episode is short-lived and self-limiting. Best wishes, Shug

Thank you. I've been trying to google it and I've just revised my search to include RA & kidney problems. I imagine it's nothing serious and that things will be ok; but this has been my biggest fear of using all of these medications over the years.
I've also had blood in my urine on numerous appointments at my OBGYN's office. We've pretty much blown it off but I'm wondering now if that might have been a sign of trouble months ago.....maybe even as much as a year ago. My OB said "Oh, you might be getting ready to pass a stone or something; it's probable not a big deal
Keep me updated on how things go with you.
Thanks for responding.
Do you make sure you drink plenty of water Lovie?lotsoh Lovie.. I am sorry..
I hope by next appointment it corrects......
Hi lovie, ss about your news, But your post came just at the right time for me.
I'm going to aspecialist tomorrow  about my kidney, blood has shown up in the my test for years and the only time they sent me to someone and had them checked he said not to worry about it unless i could se bright red, no one never gave a reason for it, I was on pred and diffferent kinds of meds over the years.  So try not ot worry .
Now that I have cancer, its came up as being acute on chronic renal insufficitition,which been going on for a while because they been giving me infusion fot it.....maybe someone should have told me. or how much is cause by the chemo or both.  hate it when Doctors don;t tell you everything.     
Good lock god bless and take care

Hi Lovie!  I hope everything checks out fine with your kidneys.  I'm sure it is weighing on your mind and will until you see the doctor.

With regard to non-specific blood in the urine, my mother and son have both had this.  My son was only about ten at the time the concern arose.  I took him to a specialist and after checking him out, the doctor explained that this is not uncommon in families which have auto-immune disease, as there seems to be a genetic link.   It can be caused by inflammation in the kidneys, and even though it is very mild, the test for blood cells in urine is very sensitive. 
I hope yours checks out to be nothing to worry about. 
I hope it is nothing to worry about, Lovie.
Please do keep us posted.
Lovie, I know waiting is the hardest, but hang tight. I'll be praying for your peace of mind as you wait and that everything will be ok. Keep us posted. Hugs. [QUOTE=rusty]Hi lovie, ss about your news, But your post came just at the right time for me.
I'm going to aspecialist tomorrow  about my kidney, blood has shown up in the my test for years and the only time they sent me to someone and had them checked he said not to worry about it unless i could se bright red, no one never gave a reason for it, I was on pred and diffferent kinds of meds over the years.  So try not ot worry .
Now that I have cancer, its came up as being acute on chronic renal insufficitition,which been going on for a while because they been giving me infusion fot it.....maybe someone should have told me. or how much is cause by the chemo or both.  hate it when Doctors don;t tell you everything.     
Good lock god bless and take care
As always I've been googling and I've found several things that suggest that CKD goes undignosied in RA patience more times than any of the doctors would ever care to admit. This one has me pretty worried; although the fact that he only wants to re-evaluate at the next visit and not sooner makes me feel a little better.
The kidney stuff can be very serious if not treated early and properly. Rusty; what are they doing for you? Can they do anything right now? Did your creatinine levels test high with your RD? If so how high? Do you remember? (I don't even know what my level was....must not have been too high though) Or did they just detect it from blood in your urine? My RD has only checked my urine once and that was when I asked him to because I knew I had a bladder infection.
Even with all the reading I've been trying to do I'm still not feeling a lot more comfortable about this. It's like the liver thing though.....I worried and worried, tested, retested.....saw my GP & then a gastro doc, had an ultra sound.....and in the end once I stopped MTX and it was out of my system I was fine. Not that I'm complaining. I'm so glad it turned out to be drug toximity and nothing more; but it's like a cat chasing it's tail, ya know? One thing after another. The longer I have RA the more trouble it causes. Tha'ts been my biggest fear all along. Organs; and their possible involvement....likely due to these powerful medications I've used all these years and will likely continue using in the future. What choice do we have, right?
Thanks for your responses.
Rusty; please let me know how things go with the kidney doctor. I'll be anxious to hear how you are.Well Lovie I did come back and answerede you,but some way or another I got it iin the wrong post   (  ot so true) I think I've lost it todays.   I know no one else can have my kind of days.   have a very good nite.