Dealing with RA | Arthritis Information


I just read this article that I thought was really helpful in dealing with ra or any chronic disease diagnosis.  I wanted to share.  I hope it helps you also.  THIS IS NOT SPAM. gazine/1993/bounce%20back/default.asp?s=1



Roxy, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is a good read.  I think that deep down we know this, but somehow reading it refreshes our mind again. Hope you are doing well Roxy.....

Luv, Sophie


Thanks for posting this. It does help to read when in a funk. I saved it :)


Good to see you posting on AI Roxy.  I hope you are feeling better.

It really is a great article and it sure does help make us think more about the new us and how to grow into the new us rather than trying to keep up with the old us...

Thanks for the Link Roxy.


Glad to hear from you Roxy.  That was a great article.

