Acai Berries Come With Some Pronounced Doubts | Arthritis Information



How bad can the economy be if people are buying acai?

Surely you've heard of acai, even if you're not sure how to pronounce the name. (It's ah-sigh-EE.) The little purple berries have been touted for more healthful qualities than you'd think a simple berry could bear. Who'd have believed that this modest product of Brazil's Amazon rain forest could do everything from speed weight loss to correct sexual dysfunction -- while bolstering your immune system, too?

A lot of people.

According to Spins, a market research and consulting firm for the natural products industry, Americans spent more than 8 million on acai products in the 52 weeks ending Feb. 21, up from just over million the year before.

That's a lot of berries. But are buyers getting their money's worth? That depends on what they expect.

Acai products have been spotlighted as super foods on Oprah Winfrey's and Rachael Ray's high-profile TV shows -- though not, Winfrey and Ray are quick to point out, endorsed by those celebrities, despite the fact that many ads for acai products bear their images. Mehmet Oz, in an "Oprah" appearance, listed acai berries at the top of his list of 10 most healthful foods before backing off and saying they belong on that list, but perhaps not on the top. Anybody with a Facebook or e-mail account has probably seen ads for this supposed miracle berry.

The fragile, highly perishable acai berries don't keep or travel well, so they're not available whole in these parts. But you can purchase powdered or frozen acai pulp to add to smoothies, bottled beverages featuring acai juice (usually combined with other fruit or berry juices) and dozens of dietary supplements purporting to contain key acai compounds. You can spend less than on a bottle of 60 (supposedly) acai-containing supplement pills or about on a 25-ounce bottle of MonaVie acai beverage. (Ray, who likely doesn't have to pinch pennies, seemed astounded at the cost of MonaVie when a guest presented it on her talk show.)

Introduced to the United States in 2000 by brothers Jeremy and Ryan Black after Ryan and a friend learned about the berries and their purported health benefits while visiting Brazil, acai has blown past the goji berry as the wonder fruit of the moment. (Goji berries, also touted for their health-promoting qualities, are still going fairly strong, with sales topping .5 million in the past year, up from .3 million the year before, according to Spins.) The Blacks' company, Sambazon, makes only modest claims for its products, simply noting that, in addition to being the rare fruit that offers heart-healthy omega fats, acai is rich in antioxidants.

To which many nutritionists will say, "So what?" Any dark-skinned fruit or bright-hued vegetable contains antioxidants -- compounds that keep potentially damaging "free radical" molecules from running rampant in the body, wreaking havoc on cells and DNA.

There's some dispute as to whether acai juice has more antioxidants than the juice of other fruits; the Washington-based food industry watchdog group Center for Science in the Public Interest notes that acai is only a middling source of antioxidants, providing more than, say, apple juice, but less than pomegranate or Concord grape juice. Sambazon's Jeremy Black disputes that, saying tests finding more antioxidants in pomegranate juice pitted pure pomegranate juice against acai juice blends containing juice from fruits less rich in antioxidants.

The point may ultimately be moot. While we almost certainly need some antioxidants, licensed nutritionist Monica Reinagel (who's based in Baltimore and writes a blog at points out that after a certain point, we don't need more.

Eating the government-recommended daily course of five servings of vegetables and two of fruit -- which only one in five of us actually does -- likely delivers all the antioxidants we need, Reinagel says, at least if we vary the fruits and vegetables we choose. After that, any further antioxidants may well be superfluous. "You reach a point of diminishing returns," she says.

In any case, the mere presence of antioxidants in a food doesn't tell us much about that food's health benefits. Vitamin E and beta carotene are both antioxidants whose presumed utility in preventing disease has been called into question by major studies. Because we haven't made a dent in identifying all the compounds contained in fruits and vegetables -- much less assessed the value of those we do know about -- we don't know whether there's anything special about acai compared to other berries, Reinagel observes.

Mark Kantor, an associate professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Maryland, says he's scanned the scientific literature and hasn't found reputable research to support any of the health claims acai's marketers are making.

"Unfortunately," Kantor says, "lots of Americans like to take the easy way out. They're looking for a miracle food. But they'll have to keep looking, because I don't think one exists."

Having said that, acai's not likely to do harm. Except to your credit card, that is.

The questionable health benefits attributed to acai are only half the story. As CSPI warned at a press conference last week, consumers using credit cards to enroll in "free" trials of acai products advertised via e-mail and on the Internet are being bilked big time.

After sharing credit-card information to cover shipping and handling, consumers are being hit by surprise monthly charges, often before they even receive their trial shipment. Those charges, ranging from to , are extremely hard to contest with the companies, whom CSPI reports are difficult to reach by telephone and otherwise uncooperative.

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is working with CSPI to shed light on acai Internet scams. Sambazon, which sells its products in health food stores and on its own Web site, is not among the companies accused of dirty dealings and in fact helps scammed customers find their way to the Better Business Bureau.

If you're still keen on trying acai, better to buy products in person at your local health food store. Or you could skip the acai and stick with blueberries instead. They're packed with antioxidants, relatively inexpensive and available year-round; frozen's just as good as fresh.

And I've yet to hear of anyone's being bilked by a blueberry scam.

Lynn492009-03-31 03:48:22Bump, bump, bump..I plan on posting this everytime the "happy spammers" come here spouting off about what a "miracle cure" that acai berries are.... I've been looking at this a lot lately. I was an inch away from ordering the "Free Trail" until I did a little google research and uncovered the scam on the credit card charges. I'm always hesitant to charge anything over the internet that might result in a continuous payment sort of thing. They got me with that pro-active stuff I ordered for my daughter....although I sent a check and they tried to bill me for more that I did not want. Luckily I was able to cancel easily.
Anyway; I saw some of this acai berry juice stuff in my local grocery store. I've wanted to try it. Has anyone tried it? I want to lose some weight; but I am also thinking I might get other benifits out of it.....but maybe not after this article? I actually was just reading a website that test and rates all the different weight loss pills and suppliments; and this berry was rated very low for that.
I have been trying this mega T-green tea stuff......but I can't tell that it's helping at all. I am eating better; and am thinking about exercise....that's a start at least. I'm hoping to get my husband to move the treadmill to the spare bedroom this week. Hopefully this time I'll use it!!
Lovie, without a doubt, the absolute best, most rapid way to loose weight is to limit your intake of food.  Buy a tiny scale and count the calories, load up on fruits and veggies and throw in a little protein, in the form of lean meats and nuts and see what happens after 2 weeks.  Add the treadmill 20 to 30 min. a day and watch the weight go!  You don't have to starve, just fill the holes with veggie snacks or a few nuts (walnuts are really good for the omega 3's).

Lynn, I just can't stand those who prey on others illnesses.  Promise, promise, promise to make you feel and look younger and cure what ails you and make you teeth whiter and just for good measure, give you an erection too!  WoooHOooo!  Just what we all need!
I'm sure you're right. I'm in my late 30ties and for the first time in my life I don't just stay slim without trying anymore. I don't eat that much in my opinion....I just don't burn the fat the way I did when I was younger. I'm just going to have to get use to a healthier lifestyle. I'm sure a few habit changes will help....and exercise is one of them. I've always hated exercise.
I even tired of the Wii Fit after a few weeks. I had high hopes that I wouldn't tire of that; but I did pretty quickly.
 Lovie- I'm in my late 40's and it just gets harder! I hate exercise too and now that I feel so darned fatigued all the time I just can't get motivated! I try to sneak in things like parking far from a store so I get in a few extra steps. I take the stairs instead of elevators (yeah how often am I in that situation?)  I keep telling myself when the weather warms up I'm going to start walking again......I always say that too; but haven't been good about following through. My neighborhood has a lot of hills (actually it's mostly hills) so it's not easy to walk. Hopefully moving the threadmill out of the garage will help. At least I can watch TV and walk. I'm hoping anyway.WADDIE!! 
 Promise, promise, promise to make you feel and look younger and cure what ails you and make you teeth whiter and just for good measure, give you an erection too!  WoooHOooo!  Just what we all need!
you are SO funny!!!    Acai berry is good for food digest.In France my dietician give to me for IBS .Stomach is batter with it. Face skin is too batter. RA not so sure becase I take it for to month only.