Pain meds | Arthritis Information


Thanks for all your responses for the flu shot. What did you RA MD prescribe for the pain of flare ups? I've been taking 800 mg of ibuprofen, but he gave me a script for oxycodone, which I'm hesitant to take. What works for you? And, when you have a flare up, does your rheumy change your meds?

Kathy,  I have several pain meds.  I think it depends on the severity of your pain/flares.  If ibuprofen is not cutting it, maybe you need something stronger.  One thing I have learned.  Take the pain meds, it is ridiculous to be in pain.  I don't worry about addiction because I don't like the high.  If you only take your pain meds for pain, I think you are ok.  Some people say to stay ahead of the pain and take before you get the pain.  I will do that when I am flaring but not daily "just in case I am in Pain".  I like having varying strengths of pain meds depending on my pain.  Thank God I have doctors that trust me, that allows me to do this.  If I have a bad flare up - sometimes my meds are not enough - I go to clinic or hospital for demoral, that is rare.  My pain meds are darvocett and norco and soma for a muscle relaxer.  (I get muscle cramps from my ra)  Good luck with your pain.  The longer you have ra, the better you get at pain management.  Take care.


There are lots of pain meds out there. However, before you jump into opiates [habit-forming] you really ought to look into run-of-the-mill anti-inflammatories [NSAIDS], which also provide some analgesia and reduce inflammation. Why use the heavy-hitters when something else might suffice?

