girlfriend, 25, with JRA and eye problems | Arthritis Information


i'm totally new to all this, so excuse me if i seem naieve or out of touch. My girlfriend is 25 and has had JRA since she was three. She has terrible eye problems as a result. She is on remecade infusions right now, having tried methotraxate and various others. I was hoping that maybe there are some alternative medicine routes she could also take, in conjunction with the drugs the doctors have put her on, whether it be something like acupuncture or supplments or homeopathy.
We've been together two years now, and it is a daily nightmare for her, and one that upsets me hugely, as it does her family. I think she is just resigned to it now, after so many years of it, but i am desperately hoping that a miracle might happen, whatever that might be, or at least a way to stop any further damage at this stage.
It would be great to speak to anyone else who has it as an adult, especially with the uvitus she has. At the very least i think for her to talk to someone who is going through a similar experience as her might help somehow.
thanks so much
  I have not had eye problems. But, I have had arthritis since I was 3 years old.  I responded to medication but have had a bit of damage and still have alot of pain, symptoms.  You have to give up before you can take over I think.  I know that when I eat well, sleep at night and exercise but not too much I feel better.  Yeah, life is not as exciting as I want it to be.  That is because I am a busy body.  I have to make myself slow down, or I will hurt myself.  There are lots of other therapy.  Massage is one I like and HOT BATHS. Take care.
