Question for the Forum... | Arthritis Information


Hello....Hope all is well....

I was just recently tested for arthritis and tested positive RA and Lupis. THe reason the tested me was one day I woke up with a swollen ankle that was causing me unbearable pain. I went to the ER and they said was a sprain. I then we to my doctor and they said it was gout. The gout come back negative. They gave me some meds which worked. THen the shifted form ankle to my third toe and knee. Again, the pain was intense so i went to the er again with no luck. I, then again, went to my doctor. Thats when I tested positive for RA and Lupis. I am only 28 yrs old. What can I expect in the near future? I am now staring to have pains in fingers. I also wake up really stiff and sore. I also now have probelms sitting at work at my cube. Are these signs and symptoms of this and will they get worse?
Sorry for this questions...I just don't have any idea what to expect..
Thanks Sincerely,
Such a young age to have this disease.
It can be real scary at first but you will manage to cope.

If you do have RA (and this seems the case with the testing done so far and from what you describe) then early aggressive treatment is the way to go.
Do not resist by being tough and trying to fight this thing. The quicker you accept and start
treatment the less pain and suffering you will go through.

The longer you stay un-medicated the more the condition will spread to other joints and immobilize you.

I started off with pain in my wrist, this just got worse by the day.
Next it was in the other wrist as well.
Over three weeks I was reduced to tears and not being able to hold a spoon nor walk.
I was reduced to crawling (with great pain) just to get to the toilet.
I had it in every joint and it was not nice.

I know this sounds scary but I am deliberately laying it on so that you move as quickly as you can to get yourself onto medications that really will assist you.
I was diagnosed with severe RA and hopefully yours is of the lesser variety.

Your next step is to get to see a specialist in this field to verify your symptoms,
from there you get the medications that you will need.

It is not the end of the world as you can see from my avatar, I can still get out and about.
I just have had to modify my way of doing things.

Bodak2009-04-01 14:32:01Hey Bobby, so sorry for the diagnosis... it is such a shocker when you get it, huh?  My best advice is to get proactive... read, research therapies, discuss options.  The more information you have the better.

I have really good days and really bad days.  I know my good days come from good control with my medications and I know when my meds are in control of my disease, damage is less likely to occur, not only to joints but to organs as well. 

Did you see an RD yet?  If not, get one... and look for one that is willing to take time to answer your questions and treat your disease aggressively.  It will help if you have done your research before you go in so  you will already know what to expect from the disease process.  Also, being armed with what is available in the market of meds to treat this disease will help you to make the decision as to which drugs you are willing to try.

If you have already seen an RD, what meds did he put you on?

Never be sorry for the questions, as this is how we all learn.  Welcome to our board!


Do you remember which test they ran for Lupus?  If it was the ANA, it can be positive in a number of conditions.  Your  system sound exactly like mine when my Rheumatoid Arthritis started.  The first two tests I had was the Rheumatoid Factor (RF) and the Antinuclear Antibody (ANA).  They both came back positive so my GP referred me to a Rheumatologist.

Have you been referred to a Rheumatologist yet?  You need to see one.  Your outcome would depend on many things.  Your final diagnosis and also how well you respond to treatment.
What drug did they give you that made you feel better?  Was it prednisone?
Well....the kicker is I am going to go back and do multiple blood test...My doctor thinks that I may have viral arthritis tht may be causing positive test....I did have an RF and ANA test.....I am going tomorrow for more blood work...The reason I think I do have it is that my fingers, back, and knees are hurting. I am also real sore and stiff while sitting at work and after sleeping. This has gotten progressvely worse in the past 2 months. I was fine during and before the holiay season. I was actually looking for advice on what meds to research and ask for opinions on?  The hardest thing is to sit at my desk for 8 to 9 hours a day in pain.... Lyn has just put an interesting link to a video that may assist you in some form of understanding. Thread Link
Direct link to video

Hi Bobby.. You're the age of my oldest son... sorry you are suffering..

Bodak has steered you very well toward some good educational threads..

Just read read read... all you can..

Best to you!!

You sound Palindromic - you might research that.
There are some of us on a more 'alternative' path.  For research, check out or read the APer thread here.
Have you recieved a DX from your Doctor? Sorry to read of your troubles. I think you should expect to get your symptoms under control even if you havent recieved a clear DX. Is your Doctor treating your Symptoms?
The DX is a process with blood testing and Clinical symptoms. Take care , and glad you come aboard
Ditto Pip on the palindromic arthritis. My arthritis started about the same age as you and was initially palindromic. The early part of the disease is very painful and difficult to deal with as you think it will never get better. The morning stiffness, the night sweats, the scary new drugs are all very overwhelming.

I eventually developed RA a few years later and I am now 44. I can tell you that with the new drugs out there I feel very close to normal. I am VERY active and heavily into physical fitness.

You have a difficult path if this IS a chronic condition. But know there are good treatments out there and the disease is better understood. It was a difficult decision to make, and I always worry about the long term effects, but Enbrel has changed my life (so far for the better).No offense to pips, but you definately want to get on some preventive DRUGS ASAP!!
You want to slow this thing down and the best way is thru meds~ imo..(and many many others, lol).
Sorry you're hurting this is a really good , supportive forum.
