OPANA and thks! | Arthritis Information


hi hi guys,

 I think, I'm finally starting to be out of my flare.. yay!!
I never see this pain med, mentioned much and I'm just wondering why?
  First thks for all your wonderful support, when i was hurting sooo bad!!  Just one of the worst flares yet!
  A couple things happened.. I got a new provider and the house is clean!!... That makes such a difference and freshly made bed, fresh blankies.. ahhh.
She's really compassionate. Opened car doors, carried my purse for me. 
Got to get outside the apt,be driven around, do some errands, that always feels better, fresh air!
  My Rhem dr , doubled my dose of OPANA, from 10 to 20 .. and I lOVE , LoVE this med and rarely if ever, have i seen or heard anyone else, take this.
  It really really helps w/ the pain!
I also did some meditation, destressed and having someone, who I think will stick (the caregiver).. helps a lot. Thks for the support!!
Blessings joy
[QUOTE=Whispered]hi hi guys,  I think, I'm finally starting to be out of my flare.. yay!! I never see this pain med, mentioned much and I'm just wondering why? Whispered: Haven't heard of Opana before.  After researching this drug I'm curious as to why your doctor prescribed opana. Why? Because of some of the drugs on your list and some of them are no-no's in that opana shouldn't be prescribed if you're taking them.
There is a genuine risk of addiction to opana.

Have you considered AP? Worked perfectly for me.
[QUOTE=watchingwolf]Whispered: Haven't heard of Opana before.  After researching this drug I'm curious as to why your doctor prescribed opana. Why? Because of some of the drugs on your list and some of them are no-no's in that opana shouldn't be prescribed if you're taking them.
There is a genuine risk of addiction to opana.

Have you considered AP? Worked perfectly for me.

can't get high on antibiotics

Henrietta , people find pain relief in a lot of ways. I think you should watch what you say as sick folk come here looking for comfort. Opana contains morphine and can be a great pain relief . Whispered, WW is right (I did not look at your signature).  Is the same doctor prescribing all your drugs?  Please have someone look over the list and in the mean time, be very conscious of what and how many you are taking at once.  I looked up Opana as well and it has an extremely strong black box warning... do be careful.
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