Foot Problems - recommendation for shoes | Arthritis Information


Any body got a brand or make or kind of shoe which help them in when you have heel pain.  I have Achilles Tendonitis and plantar fascitis.  Orthotics are not helping.  Swelling is reduced but not gone completely.

Another questions what  u guys use as topical cream which is effective and releives pain?
Hey Veenu..... Uugghhh I swear, finding comfy shoes are the bane of my existence!  I have a big old, wide foot that was a problem before I had RA.  I could never find "cute" shoes...  I have found that Merrells feel pretty good and are sturdy, New Balance makes a good sneaker or tennis shoe or athletic shoe (what ever you want to call them!).  Crocs are okay for slouching around (I only use that word because they are VERY casual).  I have never tried Born or Finn (EXPENSIVE) or Earth.  Sofft makes some really pretty shoes.  I usually buy from or, they both offer discounts, free shipping AND returns (within 30 days) and are reasonable, more so than retail.

Oh, and there is an insole I like, Sole Footbeds... they are heat moldable and offer not only support but comfort.

This is a good thread, I hope more chime in with their faves and suggestions.   Hope this helps!

Hi Veenu,

With plantar fascitis, the heel must snugly held... absolutely no loose size and no sandals even if it has a back strap(sorry). My podiatrist recommended a shoe I used for years which I'm so sorry to say that I can't remember the name of it... something like Savoy? I found a little less expensive "tennis" shoe brand called New Balance that works just as well. Just be sure to wear your orthotics when they size you and to walk around the store to be sure the heel is snug and firm. I have some loafers for "dressing up" a little but I can only tolerate them an hour. Luckily, my entrance is done and usually people don't even notice I changed my shoes. I'll try to remember that and some other shoes I've tried.

I am afraid that I can't help you much on the shoes seeing as how my feet are not as affected by the RA as yours are at this point. Like the others, I do like New Balance shoes because they have good, solid support and are wider than most shoes.
As for a topical cream, my favorite is called simply, "Sports Cream" and I get it at my pharmacy. It works really well for me, especially on the muscle pain that goes along with RA.  It is not greasy and it has a light, pleasant smell. I also like it because it does NOT tingle or get hot. It is also inexpensive. Hope you find something that you like and that will work for you.
MBT trainers the only shoe i can walk in.  the best.  look for a store near you that sells them. w.w.I have been down this road and have tried everything under the sun.  I found Birkenstocks are the absolute best.  You do have to break them in and feel funny until you do.  After the break-period--they are heaven.  After some of the foot problems and pain lessened, I found the Birkenstock orthotic will fit in other shoes.  Now if I not wearing the Birks, I put the orthoc in Clarks.  I put a velcro dot on the bottom of the orthotic and the matching velcro on the footbed of the shoe so the orthotic doesn't slid.  I have been the foot doctor route, going to several, asked them about Birks and they said no--they would not help,  I had their expensive custom orthotics and have thrown then all out cause they don't/didn't help.  All my friends with foot issues told me to get Birks.  Birkenstock also made some of their shoes with a soft footbed--those are wonderful too cause no break-in period. The foot drs. had all dxd me with plantar facitiicis (sp?)  but the RA dr and I agree--it never was--it is & was the RA.  I really feel your pain in this--good luck.  I hope you find something tht works for you. 
Funny, the RA dr made fun of my Birks but then one time when I went back---he was wearing them!!!!!!!  We discuss shoes at my appointments now.  Bottomline--I can walk with these and I am not in pain.  It did take time.  I had rough YEARS!
I can not wear birks...crocs are very comfortable...just not so fashion savy.
There are stretching exercise and Ice the bottom of your foot. Both really help. Good luck.
