An excellent site about diet | Arthritis Information


One of the best sites I've come across is the McDougall Wellness centre run by a Dr McDougall in America. I have a lot of respect for the man because he is honest and makes a living not out of prescribing pills for the sick but rather teaching people how to modify their diet and lifestyle so that many of their conditions clear up or greatly improve.

I've bought a number of DVDs of his lectures to groups and he is excellent. His newsletter is great and you can find lots of interesting articles including ones about arthritis if you look in the back issues.

I just wish I didn't love the rich disease producing western diet so much! I love my meat and fizzy drinks (the reason why I and many other people love diets that are making us sick is explained by one of Dr McDougall's colleagues who wrote a book called 'The Pleasure Trap'. I have a DVD of a lecture given by the man that wrote 'The Pleasure Trap' and it is very enlightening) and the convenience of fast food but many people in more desperate situations than mine (apart from arthritis I am in excellent health) have tried his changes to diet and lifestyle and turned their lives around. His web site includes many stories by such people.

This is an extraordinary Doctor in my opinion practising medicine the way it should be practised. It must have taken a good deal of courage for him to abandon the easy way of practising medicine routinely doling out drugs to the sick (I’m off to see my local GP after writing this to get my next prescription for pain-killers!) and turn to teaching people how to change the lifestyle and diet that in a lot of cases made them sick.

Many of his colleagues told him he would never make a living doing what he planned to do and he not only proved them wrong but is the face of medicine as it should be.

The following articles at the McDougall web site about arthritis may also interest some people:




dragon38761.8880671296Interesting--thanks for the tip!