I need bubble wrap...or something. you wont believ | Arthritis Information


whatever you do, don't stand directly over your kid.

Jakie and I were coloring last night. I was standing over him, kinda bent down and he stood up straight into my face.

OMG the pain..well YEAH it hurt, he managed to crack my cheekbone.

I went to the ER and they took xrays and there's a crack right in the cheekbone. The dr said its not in a place they can wire or set. its not out of place, just keep ice on it and take vicodin and stay the hell away from that kid.

I look like Michael Corelone in The Godfather after the police captain punched him in the face.

Good lord. I gotta say the second his head connected with my face he yelped out a very worried sounding "sorry" you ok?" ouch! ! ! How long till the crack will heal? My son accidently hit me in the face once and made me cut my lip. Not near as bad as a cracked jaw. Hope the meds will help you with the pain. Reminds me of the time I got a severe corneal abrasion from horseplay/wrestling with my oldest son (who was 6 at the time).  The ER staff repeatedly asked me if someone at home was abusing me.  My poor son got really freaked out by that - at one point he blurted out 'I didn't mean to hurt Mommy!' when I was questioned yet again by a nurse. Yes those cute dear sweet kids should come with warning lables. I bet he feels just awful. The poor little guy. How awful for him to go threw life with the guilt of sending Mom to the hospital. Sorry you are in such pain. Sounds like it may take awhile to for you to feel better. Kathy, I have been injured in this exact same way too many times to count. Mostly I just end up with a fat lip. I try to tell myself that my lip looks sexy this way... and it its, after all, cheaper than collagen injections..

Hope you feel better soon!
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