loosing my grip | Arthritis Information


In the last few weeks my hands have become terribley painful and clumbsey. Many of the things I was able to do are now beyond my pain threshold.

I have P.A. and where as P.A. is usually mild mine is severe and there is no stopping it's progress. I can litterable look down and see my hands becomming useless.In the past week of so I find my hands becomming  stiff jointed. In fact I have to straiten my hands as best as I can. I do not know why I even typed this, it will take more pain meds to put out the fire that is beginning now.

am just a man out here who is hurting with no relief in sight and who must see his body bneing twisted into uselessness.  Harry  Perry Hall Maryland


If it's that bad Harry perhaps you need to see a specialist to see if any more can be done. There may be more effective medication available or some sort of physical therapy available that helps. Arthritis sometimes flare up and then settles down so don't despair. I have some arthritis in my hands but nothing like yours and don't know how I would cope if it were like yours. I hope things improve for you.


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